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Motel Americana Podcast

Americana Podcast

The Motel Americana podcast is a collection of short stories that span the literary spectrum. These tales are based on the writings of Oscar Garret, who spent several years living at the Jersey Shore motel in the 1980s. The stories are based on audio surveillance footage of guests in the hotel. The stories also feature real surveillance audio. Listen to the episodes to experience the unique blend of realism and fantasy.

The Motel americana podcast is an audio drama that weaves actual audio recordings and recovered writings by Oscar Garrett. The story is loosely connected to the case of his disappearance. While the story is based on the case of the Motel Americana, it is not the only story about the infamous motel. There are many other podcasts based on the case, including the infamous ‘The Desperate Man’ series.

The Motel Americana podcast is based on the true story of the murders of Oscar Garrett and his daughter, Kate. The audio is a compilation of real audio recordings and recovered writings by Oscar. The show is a loosely connected series of events, with each episode related to the events of Garrett’s disappearance. Moreover, it explores the personal and professional relationships between two former lovers and the motel’s infamous staff.

Motel Americana Podcast

The narrator of the podcast is Jack Same, who obtained the notebooks of Oscar Garrett and the audio recordings of surveillance. His investigation has been successful, and he has become a well-known author in the field. If you’re interested in hearing more about the case of Oscar Garrett, you’ll love the Motel Americana podcast. This podcast is a must-listen for fans of the movie.

The podcast was produced by hubhopper studio, a nonprofit organization that creates audio dramas. It was the only one that made the movie possible, and it will continue to grow. So, if you’re a fan of Oscar Garrett, give this podcast a try. It’s free and available to all Apple users. If you’re a fan of the classic movies, you’ll love it. Enjoy!

You’ll find the Motel Americana podcast narrated by Jack Same. The story is based on his notebooks and the actual surveillance audio recordings of the 80s. This is an audio drama, but it does not contain any actual interviews. Despite the name, it’s worth listening to! There’s no better way to experience the podcast. It’s also great for people who love the movie. It’s a good way to learn about the real lives of the characters.


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