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Multifaceted pillows

The pillows are designed to provide support and comfort to the body. Bed pillows are large cushions that are used as head support while sleeping on a bed. Body pillows are used to lean on a sofa or chair or for orthopedic purposes. Pillows that are not designed to help but for decorative purposes are called throw pillows. These are just the main types of pillows. However, there are other styles and purposes of pillows. Have you heard of dakimakura and gutang?

A dakimakura is a hugging pillow from Japan. It’s a way for anime fans to get closer to their favorite cartoons with basically life-size printed anime characters. It emerged in the late 90s as habit-forming body pillows that even adults use. They are expensive but very protective since they never leave the hands of the sleeper. Dakimakura is so attractive that it is sometimes used as promotional material. It is also considered as love pillows.

Another diverse style of pillow is the guling, a long hugging pillow from Indonesia. In Indonesian language, the Dutch wife is called guling. Guling is also called a bamboo wife because it is woven from bamboo.

“Dutch wife” is an English term that has its origin in the Dutch colony of Indonesia. Their East Asian version is guling. About the size of a human body, it is hollow bamboo that is cooler to the touch than fabric pillows. It served as a sleeping companion and is accepted by the user. When placed between the legs during periods of sleep, it relieves lower back pain.

With the superiority of air conditioning equipment, bamboo cane guling has become extinct. In Indonesia, however, guling, now made from cotton and other synthetic materials, is still widely used.

Another style of pillow is the shitou zhentou or China rock pillow. It played an important role in ancient China at the time of the Ming dynasty. It was made of jade which is said to cure headaches or depression as it is believed to transfer the energy from the stone to the human brain.

Sometimes we want to read or watch TV while in bed or on the floor, instead of a bed pillow, a large high-back pillow with two arms is used to support our back in an upright position. It is sometimes called a husband or boyfriend pillow.

Fireproof pillows are used to effectively reseal openings in walls or floors that require frequent access.

In fact, manufacturers never run out of style, ideas, and creativity. There is always an answer to a need that is profitable not only for entrepreneurs but also for users.


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