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Neon LED Signs – An In-Depth Neon Sign Comparison

Neon LED Signs

Whether you’re looking for a sign for your restaurant, bar, shop or office, it is important to consider your options before making a purchase. Choosing the right signage for your business can make a big difference in the success of your business. When it comes to neon and LED signs, there are some significant differences between the two that you should be aware of. By understanding these distinctions, you’ll be able to determine which type of signage is the best fit for your company or home.

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In a traditional neon sign, the light is produced by reacting gaseous vapors with an electrical current. This reaction produces a spectrum of colors that can range from blue, green and yellow to softer pinks and whites. These vapors are then pumped through a glass tube that is shaped into a sign’s letters or decorative designs. This process is very similar to how LED lights are created, except that neon signs use a phosphor coating to protect the diodes from external damage and they require a more expensive type of glass tube.

One of the biggest differences between a neon and LED sign is that a neon sign requires an electrician to install it. This is due to the fact that neon signs are made from glass tubes that can easily break. Because of this, it is important to select a sign that is certified to be safe for use by ensuring that it meets all safety requirements.

Neon LED Signs – An In-Depth Neon Sign Comparison

Another major difference between a neon and an LED sign is that a neon sign will usually last longer than an LED sign. This means that you won’t have to spend as much money on maintenance and repairs over time. LEDs are a lot more energy efficient than neon signs, which will save you money on your power bill over the long run. This makes them a great option for businesses that want to cut down on their environmental impact.

Depending on the size and type of LED sign that you choose, it can be extremely versatile. This is especially true if you’re going to be using it for advertising purposes. Unlike neon signs, which can only be used in certain locations and aren’t suitable for large outdoor displays, LEDs can be hung almost anywhere.

Compared to LEDs, neon signs are more vibrant and will attract more attention from passing traffic. In addition, their brightness can help to draw attention to your business. You can also add unique animations to your LED neon sign to make it more eye-catching. You can choose from simple flashing options or complex animations that create the illusion of movement.

These types of animations are often more complicated and costly than simpler flashing options, so it is worth considering the costs of having a custom sign designed before you make a purchase.


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