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Penis enlargement and autofellatio: what do the two have in common?

Most men, including women, know what “penis enlargement” is. There’s no mystery why this happens, as it has escaped its confines in the back alleys of “adult” stores of the past and landed squarely in the span of mainstream America in the last five years.

Autofellatio, however, is a term that a large part of the public does not know its meaning. It is made up of two words, “Auto”, which means oneself; and “Fellatio”, which is the act of oral stimulation of the penis. Put the two words/definitions together and you get a word that defines a man’s ability to stimulate orally. his own penis.

Without a doubt, an issue that is more controversial than non-controversial. Still, historical records prove its existence from some of the earliest civilizations of man.

As penis enlargement becomes more and more popular, many men are wondering if enlarging their penises (more specifically in the enlargement department) can help them in the act of autofellatio.

The answer is quite clear, “Yes”. It is quite obvious that a man who has been successful in enlarging his penis will be more likely to fellate himself. And since man is clearly a creative and cunning individual, it was not long before some men realized that such lengthening methods can help them enjoy a new way of sexuality.

This is the connection between penis enlargement and the process of self-fellatio. More and more men are realizing the untapped potentials that are now available from this method of enlargement. Man is finding new ways to enjoy the newly created size of him; or, at least, realize the possibilities of such increases in the length of his penis.

However, even though a longer erection helps make these fellatio techniques easier to perform, there are still many other factors that determine whether a man can actually perform fellatio on his own. Certainly muscle strain, previous trauma or surgery, and many other factors are involved. Still, most normal men, even with an average-sized penis, should have the opportunity to engage in this form of autosexuality if they learn the proper training methodology.

It is amazing that the Internet has allowed people from all over the world to openly discuss and explore topics like this. Such things, once considered taboo, are becoming more acceptable and recognized in daily life; What is as it should be.


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