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Say no to penis chafing: what to wear when the lubricant runs out

It is like toilet paper. Lube is, that’s it. Because as long as the bottle is still full, or the roll is still filling, there are no worries. Everything’s okay. But as exhaustion begins, the brain begins to appear. “Hey dude, remember to pick up some lube.” So, of course, none are collected. Fast forward to the time of need and then boom, what do you do? Without it, a man can count on the rubbing of the penis. Hmmm … is that risk worth taking?

A tingling sensation Redness Eruption. A burning intensity so fierce that the air passes by is painful.

No, an irritated penis is not worth any risk. But what can a man wear when he runs out of lubricant? Here are some things that people recommend with different levels of security and success.

Alternative # 1 lubricant against penis chafing: Aloe Vera

The unlikely champion, but of all the alternatives, probably the best there is. It’s slippery, soothing, and often safe for sensitive skin (say it quick five times). However, it must be 100% pure aloe vera. It is also odorless, safe for latex condoms, and has been shown to prevent yeast infections.

Under: Very few disadvantages of this alternative. Just be sure to do a patch test first before smearing it on the naughty parts because a small population of people can get irritated. Also, if it is not 100% aloe, it can irritate the female parts.

General: The best option for the home.

Advice: Have something handy for burns and ball.

Alternative # 2 of lubricant against penile chafing: olive oil

It can be one of the first things a man thinks of doing to protect himself from burning an irritated penis. Good for a pizza and decent for a penis. It can be used for both vaginal and anal sex, as well as solo pleasure.

Under: Break down condoms. It is also thick and does not dissolve easily on the skin, which can trap bacteria and cause infections in intimate places. Olive oil can also stain sheets.

General: It works in a pinch, but only once or twice, and never in situations where a condom is needed.

Advice: Take a good, deep shower after using olive oil. Clean all the places where the oil has been.

Alternative # 3 of lubricant against penile chafing: vitamin E oil

Vitamin E is a great skin moisturizer and can be found in many medicine cabinets. It has a formidable slip factor and is quite safe for the penis.

Under: Also breaks condoms. It can also irritate the secret garden of a female partner.

General: There are worse things to wear, but only use them in a pinch.

Advice: Do a patch test first to make sure there are no allergens or skin irritations.

Alternative # 4 of the lubricant against penile chafing: coconut oil

What can’t coconut oil be used for? This ubiquitous oil is also a lubrication possibility, but remember, it is still an oil! It is generally lighter and has a more slippery appeal than other oils and absorbs faster into the skin.

Under: Break condoms (sounds like a broken record, still?). It can also alter vaginal pH, increasing the risk of yeast infection in female partners.

General: Probably the best oil to use if oil is the only option.

Advice: This has become a popular alternative for those who have sex and enjoy anal sex without a condom.

Alternative # 5 of lubricant against penile chafing: water and cornstarch

Yes, it sounds really weird and it takes a bit of preparation time. However, this homemade lubricant has a silky smooth texture and is naturally hypoallergenic. You will also not eat latex condoms.

Under: Making this concoction takes about 20 minutes. It can get lumpy if it’s too cold and requires a fair amount of shaking and who has time for that in the heat of the moment?

General: This is one of the best and safest options out there. It can even be made ahead of time and stored for later use.

Advice: Add a sexy apron role-play to add foreplay and excitement to something that can get a little boring.

Regardless of which lubricant alternative is used, be sure to clean and rinse the penis thoroughly after use. Men should also use a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically shown to be safe and gentle on the skin) to keep the skin soft, silky and protected from irritants. While experimenting with lubricant alternatives is an option when the Amazon package is expected to arrive, hydrating and rejuvenating the penis should be a daily priority including a quality penis health cream.


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