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SEO: write articles and publish them to improve Page Rank

Search engine optimization is a great strategy to use if you want to achieve good page rank value that is deserving of a high positive in search engine results. In addition to discovering and using keywords on your page to improve your search engine coverage, it’s also important to spread your links to increase your page rank and secure your placement on the results pages.

One of the strategies used to propagate links on the World Wide Web is to create quality content or articles and incorporate links before posting them online. Here are some tips on how to help you get started on this project.

1. Only quality content

Creating articles to be published online as a link building strategy is not as easy as most people think. In addition to the fact that you need to know how to write articles that are understandable to a fifth grader, you need to make sure that the content you wrote makes sense and is highly useful or informative to readers on the Internet. Some would even hire or pay someone else to produce quality content for posting on the Web.

If you want to make your own article as an SEO strategy to improve your page rank, then you need to make sure that the content is a perfect fit for your site’s niche. If your page is exclusively about the real estate business, come up with a topic and content that has to do with real estate, or is specific to the city or location that your business covers.

2. Recheck for Errors

In addition to quality content, you also need to make sure that you are not posting sloppy work. Double check the grammar and spelling of your article to avoid making a fool of yourself in front of your online readers. Even if you provide informative content that a person will find useful, the idea of ​​having lots of spelling and grammatical errors does not convey a professional air.

3. Use of keywords

The article you post online should also contain keywords that reflect the content of your site. The same rules apply here regarding the number of keywords you can safely integrate into your content: enough to achieve search engine coverage without getting your site or content banned in the process.

http://7Seo.com/ — Search Engine Optimization


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