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Steam rooms and health: do they affect yeast infections?

If you want to know the health effect of steam rooms on yeast infection, this article is for you. This article will discuss the yeast infections and steam rooms connection. This idea is based on an email from a reader. You have a couple of questions. You want to know if sitting in a steam room or sauna affects yeast. She loves going to the gym and enjoying sitting in the steam room or sauna three times a week. However, you find that after you have been in the steam room or sauna, your yeast infection worsens.

She also wants to start a yeast-free diet. He wonders where on the Internet he can get the list.

If you have a situation similar to hers, here is my opinion on it. For the yeast-free diet, you can visit the site of William G. Crook, who wrote The Yeast Syndrome (which is a really great book). The book has a very complete diet plan. I’m sure it will do you good.

Whenever you take hot, steamy showers for too long, if a lot of your symptoms start to kick in, I guess maybe it’s because your house has a lot of mold and it gets into the steam.

Also, if your tap water is chlorinated, the heat from a hot shower allows small amounts of chlorine gas to escape. You inhale the chlorine while standing in a hot shower. If you have an intolerance to handling chlorine that many have in the compromised immune system / candida, you will feel bad when you get out of a long hot shower. Get a good shower head filter and you can solve your problems with hot showers.


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