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The 5-Step Method for Handling Objections

I get so many requests asking me how to handle objections, so I thought I’d go ahead and give you the secret method I reveal in my in-person trainings: the ultimate way to handle all objections.

This is a top 20% favorite and it works because you’re not answering or dealing with objections, you’re qualifying and isolating first, then once you’ve figured out if it’s a real objection or a red herring, you’re dealing with it. the most efficient way possible.

And you’re asking for the deal when you’re done. It’s called the 5-Step Method for Handling Objections, and once you start using it, you’ll be amazed at how successful it is. Is that how it works:

The five-step method

Step One: (Two Parts):

1. First, listen to them fully. Do not interrupt!

2. Put a softening statement before answering:

“I completely understand how you feel.”

“Some of my best clients felt that way, too.”

“I completely understand how you feel, this is a big decision, and right now I’m sure it makes sense for you to think about this.”

Step Two: Challenge and Isolate the Objection B-4 Answer it.

As I’ve written before, you can’t start by chasing down and answering every objection you’re given! You must first question and isolate the objection to make sure it is the REAL objection.

Example: “The price is too high”

“I understand __________, and let me ask you a question: Assuming the price of these hearing aids wasn’t an issue (or fit into your budget, or if someone was suddenly going to buy them), but if the price wasn’t an issue here , is this the solution you think is right for you today?” Or, “Is this something you would order today?”

Step Three – Respond to the Objection (Using a Written Response!)

It’s no secret here that I recommend you use a scripted response once you understand what the objection is. Use one of the scripts you already have or write one. However, no matter what, USE A SCRIPT!

Step four: confirm your answer:

One of the biggest mistakes 80% of sales reps make when answering objections is that they don’t confirm their answers; in other words, they just keep talking! And I mean talk beyond closing. The top 20% understand the danger of talking beyond closing (such as filing further objections) and instead, having used their written response, confirm their response. Use any of the following:

“Does that answer that for you?”

“Makes sense?”

“Have I satisfied that for you?”

Step five: Ask about the deal!

This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many (like 80% or more) sellers don’t ask for the deal. The scripts make sure you do! And after placing the order,

Shut up and listen!

That’s the whole technique. It may sound simple, like common sense, but 80-90% of your competition don’t do this, so they fight common objections day in and day out. If you want to start easily handling and overcoming objections, start using the 5-Step Method today and watch your sales start to take off!


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