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The body language of submission

In many cases people will show certain body language signals that suggest they are not willing to fight and will give in to something someone else wants. These are some of the most used body language signs in relation to the feeling of submission.

The general posture that a person uses can symbolize the willingness to submit to something. An upright position suggests a desire to succeed, while a lower position suggests submission. For example, when a person at a sporting event has a posture that is not upright, it may be a suggestion that the person is willing to submit to their opponent and give up trying to win a game.

The lack of movement that a person may have is another common sign. When a person is not moving or just standing still during a confrontation, it can be a suggestion that a person is submitting to something. For example, an employee who is arguing with her boss in the workplace might show a lack of movement when that employee feels the argument is being lost and the boss has the upper hand.

The eyes can say a lot about the submission of a person. When a person smiles, it helps to take a look into that person’s eyes. If the eyes don’t change appearance when that person smiles, then that person is being submissive. Also, when the person’s eyes appear larger than normal, this may be a sign that the person is submissive.

When a person’s head is bowed down and the neck is covered, that person shows a sign of submission. The person is looking to protect themselves or is trying to think of what to do. But they can’t think of anything to do and so they’ll have to submit to something. This is the opposite of what happens when a person is feeling aggressive and is willing to challenge something. In that case the person will have their head up.

Another important sign is when a person has their hands out and open. This is a suggestion that a person has nothing to offer and is willing to give in to someone’s requests. This is especially common in police confrontations when the police get to the point where the offender has nowhere to go. That criminal will then hold their hands out and open them to suggest that they are surrendering to the police.

It’s also important to consider the speed of the gestures someone makes. When a person’s gestures are shown slowly, that person could be suggesting submission. When a person is tense and unwilling to submit, then that person’s movements can be quick and lively.

In short, the signs of submission include slouching, lack of movement, and even common signs of opening up. Knowing these signs will make it easy to tell when someone is ready to give up a fight or argument.


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