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The Brief History of the Long Tail Keyword – SEO Tips for Beginners

The key to unlocking the most profitable keywords to target on your website lies in understanding, exploring, and then exploiting. long tail keywords. The sooner you become familiar with these traffic and money wonders, the better. This article will be particularly valuable to you if you operate in an industry where competition for the top spot on Google is fierce. Ideally, you want to identify and start using these long-tail keywords BEFORE you launch your site, but any online business or blog, at any stage of its life cycle, will benefit from the following information. Let’s start…

Long tail keywords: what are they?

Let’s start with an example: Let’s say, I’m shopping online to buy some jewelry for my wife. I could start my search by entering the following into Google: jewelry online. Almost immediately I will be presented with a staggering 288 million results and almost immediately my head will start to spin.

And since I’m not the most patient guy in the world, I might choose to narrow my search. I know my wife likes it mexican jewelry, so I’ll add this extra snippet in the search field and hit ‘enter’. Instantly, I have cut 260 million results from the list of candidates.

But that’s still not good enough. So I try again. Lisa likes it silver jewels, so I add the color too, like this: silver mexican jewelry, and voila, I reduced the number to just over 1 million. Sure, that’s still a significant number, but the results that now appear on the first page seem much more useful. So I finally have the confidence to start clicking. my search for mexican silver jewelry start seriously…

So where do long-tail keywords fit in?

To understand its meaning and value, we must change places in the example above and put ourselves in the shoes of any of the Mexican jewelry retailers that could appear on page 1 of Google. As the owner of one of these high-ranking sites, I’d be delighted to hear that a customer with such a clearly defined goal has discovered my website and is focused on the product I’m selling. And if my website and products are satisfactory, the sale is imminent; because this visitor is neither a tire kicker nor a time waster. In fact, his wallet is practically out of his pocket.

Putting it all together…

In the above scenario, these are the main actors:

short tail keyword: ‘jewelry online’

Short-tail keywords, by definition, are usually short, fairly general in nature, and broadly targeted, thus covering a wide range of products or services. Therefore, they enjoy a high search volume. So, understandably, the competition for these keywords is also extremely high. This makes the job of ranking well for these precious keywords very difficult and very expensive.

Long tail keywords: ‘Mexican Jewelry’ and ‘Mexican Silver Jewelry’.

This last example mexican silver jewelry, it would be the logical choice for website owners within this industry to exploit and monetize. Unlike the short tail, this keyword has a narrow focus and is targeted at a specific product or service, typifying the long tail keyword. And while these keywords have obvious business value, they don’t enjoy the same high search volume as their short-tail counterparts. Which begs the question, who should we target?

The answer is simple: we must target long-tail keywords. And many of them. Because collectively they can generate some serious numbers on our websites.

And because these long-tail keywords have understated and lower perceived value due to fewer searches, the competition is much less intense. Which means it’s much easier and much less expensive to rank well for long-tail keywords and achieve that elusive but highly sought after #1 spot on Google. In a nutshell, long-tail keywords really do have the potential to transform your site into a money-making machine.

Where can I find these long tail keywords?

Google provides a free keyword tool that is a perfect starting point. By using this tool you will be able to identify long tail candidates and get an idea of ​​the search volume and competition for any of the gems you discover. Your goal is to identify as many relevant and commercially viable long-tail keywords as possible with adequate search volume and little competition. It sounds difficult, but it is not as difficult as you imagine.

Another option is to download any of the free or inexpensive keyword tools available online. Not only will they make your job easier by identifying long-tail keywords with the push of a button, they will also search and analyze the top ten competitors in your chosen keyword category and then describe the steps you need to take to eliminate them. its pedestal.

If you want more information about long tail keywords and the tools I use and recommend, you can read more on my website: http://searchfindseo.com/long-tail-keywords.

Good luck in your long tail endeavors!


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