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The cost of brewery equipment

Breweries are of different sizes. You can find small microbrewery units as well as large commercial units. Therefore, the diversity of the process depends on the type of beer and the degree of automation. A large unit may have different sections and each of the sections is designed for a specific brewing process. In this article, we are going to talk about the cost of equipment for this purpose.

Factors That Can Affect The Cost Of Brewery Equipment

Regardless of the size of the unit, be sure to get an accurate estimate of the costs of the equipment required. This largely depends on how much beer you need to produce. Below are the factors that can have an impact on the cost.


Different types of materials are used to manufacture the equipment, such as stainless steel and copper.

Copper: Traditionally, units are made from copper as it is readily available and takes a pure form even after it is melted down. Also, this metal can transfer heat quite quickly, which is great for this process. However, this metal can react with many other chemicals that can produce a metallic taste. Also, many cleaning solutions can cause copper corrosion.

Stainless Steel – Today, commercial breweries use stainless steel kettles. You can find many kettles that feature copper plating for a classic look. However, it is important to note that the coating is cosmetic. The good thing about this metal is that it does not react with many chemicals.

Also, stainless steel does not affect the flavor of the beer unless it is cleaned with modern bleach. Apart from this, stainless steel offers better resistance than copper.

New or Used

Besides size, another factor that affects cost is whether it’s used or new. Today’s business owners start out with a microbrewery and don’t have a huge budget to work with. Therefore, they tend to opt for used equipment to save money. Below is the list of brewery equipment you need to get started:

  • barrels
  • storage tanks
  • fermentation tanks
  • kettles
  • boilers

brewery size

A brewery is a company that runs the brewing business. Also, it refers to a term used for the parts a brewery needs for the brewing stage. Here are the common components:

  • Whirlwind
  • water boiler
  • hot liquor tank
  • lauer tun
  • blender

In large breweries, they use a five-vessel unit where each component is a vessel. On the other hand, a microbrewery is a 2-vessel unit that creates a combination of hot liquor tank, lauter tun, and mash mixer.

The cost of a 3.5 bbl unit can be around $50,000, while a 20 bbl unit can cost up to $100,000.

fermentation tanks

In the process, the second stage is called fermentation. These tanks have a cone-shaped bottom that drives the yeast recovery process. Jacketed fermenters help control the temperature of the mash, but can cost more.

In summary, if you want to get an estimate of the price of the equipment, we suggest you consider the information provided in this article. This will help you make the best decision.


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