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The importance of reading

In today’s world, we receive so much information through radio, television and multimedia experiences, but none of these avenues have the capacity to educate like the fundamental skill of reading.

When examining how well a nation is doing and how likely its economic situation is to improve, the literacy rate is often included. Often this figure is a reflection not only of educational levels, but has a secondary effect of economic power, government administration, corruption and health. When this number is low, the country is more likely to be in economic stagnation, a poor government or dictatorship, widespread corruption, and a lack of universities, doctors, and other experts. When one looks at the countries of the African continent, the literacy rate is often a good reflection of the quality of life style.

Countries that have recently experienced an improvement in economic fortunes have increased the educational level of their population.

The easiest way to educate any problem is to teach them the skill of reading. If you know how to read, you have a world of knowledge open to you. It was true in the time of Abraham Lincoln when he said that he taught himself through reading, just like many other American pioneers. Although they often found themselves in difficult situations, their ability to read meant that they could educate themselves to overcome problems.

Even in this day of multimedia, reading remains the most essential skill for gaining knowledge. The Internet has meant that information is freely available to anyone who can log on. However, absorbing, teaching, and learning requires that information and the application of the reading. With the advent of websites and e-books, reading has continued to rise in importance.

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