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The secrets to becoming an unstoppable basketball player

Do you want to know the secret to becoming an elite basketball player?

Do you want to be “the favorite player” of your team?

Well, it is my pleasure to reveal to you the secrets to becoming an unstoppable basketball player.

What kind of player are you?

The first thing to do is place yourself in one of the categories. Which of the following categories describes you the most?

Are you naturally talented? You don’t really practice much, but you can still play.

Are you handy? This means that his hours of practice have paid off and he had no natural talent for the game of basketball without endless practice sessions.

Are you athletic? You are that guy who can jump higher than others, run faster than others or you are faster than others.

Are you a scrub? You are still not good at basketball, but you are willing to develop yourself in the athletic and skillful categories.

The best NBA players

The second thing you need to do is understand what makes a basketball player unstoppable.

Currently (2014) the best players in the NBA are Lebron James, Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant and the GOAT (the greats of all time) is Michael Jordan.

What do they all have in common?

They all possess high-level skills, athleticism, and basketball IQ.

So if you want to be unstoppable, you need to develop your basketball skills, athleticism, and IQ.

It is not enough to have one or the other, it is necessary to have them all.

What do you need to do

Work on your game every day. You need to develop your skills by practicing daily. I’m not talking about going to the basketball court and shooting random 3s all day, instead, you should go to the basketball court and work on your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths.

Strive to increase your athletic ability on a weekly basis. Incorporate vertical jump, speed and speed training into your weekly training routine. Athletics will make all your developed skills look even better.

Play as much basketball as you can and study the game of basketball. The more you expose yourself to basketball, the more you will understand. Basketball IQ is simply the amount of understanding you have on how basketball is played.

If you want to be an unstoppable basketball player, you have to combine the attributes of a great skill set, weird athleticism, and incredible basketball IQ. These are all attributes that you can develop from scratch, which means that you can transform yourself through hard work and determination.

Do not be good. Don’t be cool. Be unstoppable.


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