
Who runs the world? Tech.


This genuine reality

We all love short and easy ways to do things. We all love to get there without any “hassle” or “drama” during the journey to our goal or destination, even the best of us feel those feelings sometimes. Who loves what it really takes to get there without avoiding the work, trouble, obstacles, or drama that it really takes to honestly get there without “taking the easy road”? That’s what this article is going to be about, the hard way, without “easy” filters or cheats. 1972 Olympic swimming champion Mark Spitz once said, “We all love to win, but who loves to train?” Well, winning in the most genuine way is doing what needs to be done with full character and not cheating or taking the “easy road to the finish line.” That also contradicts normal human nature to “want an easy way out”, or get there without “drama” or overt work.

Let me put it this way, the worst of us easily succumb to those feelings of wanting to cheat, deceive, and outdo hard work. The best of us are stronger and can overcome those feelings and genuinely achieve greatness.

In fact, living in this genuine reality requires work, hard work, and not avoiding problems out of fear. Who wants to know that though. Reality “should” be something fun and friendly to us instead of taking work for a living and having it work for us too. Right? Face it, reality without our direction and intervention is not user friendly or even cooperative. The worst of us just cheat and “that’s it” until we get caught and embarrassed by it, the best of us work and do what needs to be done in a genuine and moral sense – that’s where the real glory is, in be the best. . Who in normal human nature wants to admit that fact when it seems easier to be “creative,” to cheat, and to do it “the easy way”?

Indeed, being the worst, no matter how much you “earn”, is really the ghetto of life and existence. Royal and earned mansions and luxury require direction, discipline, thought, control, and hard work, and for you to feel good, you must have knowledge, responsibility, and self-control above all. That’s what makes winning and being successful in a genuine sense so difficult at all. You have to be strong if you want to do more than survive. Thats the reality. Fantasy is the form of cheating, “creativity” and gambling. Serious is the way, cheesy and not serious is not the way. The front of royal thought is the first sign of royal power. Hey, I didn’t say there was no enjoyment there, I said that was the first sign, enjoyment comes after success genuinely happens. We all want great self-esteem, but are we willing to earn it from scratch? Life and existence are as real and genuine as we are. Let’s go! This is where the wheels find their way.


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