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Tips for getting your baby to sleep through the night

Many parents would agree that getting their baby to sleep through the night is one of the biggest challenges and hardest things to do as a parent. Sleepless nights are difficult for everyone in the house. Here are some tips and ideas to get your baby to sleep through the night as quickly as possible. With a few simple steps, you can help your baby sleep each and every night.

  • Establish a sleep pattern and schedule. Getting your baby to sleep through the night can be as simple as programming it. Take a look at the pattern your child has already created and see how you can make it work for you. Try to have bedtime around the same time every day.
  • Do most of your eating during the day. Encourage your baby to eat as much as possible during the day so that she doesn’t need to eat at night. Getting your baby to sleep through the night means she won’t wake up to eat during the night.
  • Monitor your baby’s naps and daytime activity. Adding stimulation during the day will make the baby sleep more at night. See how much your baby sleeps during the day. If they sleep a lot during the day, you may need to wake them up to fall asleep at night.
  • Make a sleep routine at home. Before going to bed, try reading, singing, cuddling, or bathing your baby. Establishing a routine will help your baby know it’s time to sleep and help your baby sleep through the night.
  • Keep bedtime discreet. Try to dim the lights and keep noise down at night. This will help your baby settle down and sleep through the night. It is important that everyone knows when it is time to play and when to rest.
  • Help your baby associate items and her crib with bedtime. Give your child a certain blanket or stuffed animal at bedtime. Over time, your child will associate this item with sleeping and know that when she has the blanket or stuffed animal she will fall asleep.
  • When a baby wakes up, avoid taking him out of his crib. Try to calm your baby with her words or gently rub her back. Let your baby learn how to go back to sleep. If you pick your baby up right away, he’ll learn that and expect that every time. Getting your baby to sleep through the night means letting her learn to fall asleep on her own when she wakes up.

Once you have established a routine, stick to it and be consistent. This routine will help your baby sleep through the night. Remember to do what feels good and works best for the family, not everything will work for every child.


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