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Tips for great skin and good makeup

Women have always been crazy about makeup and skincare. But it’s a silly idea to treat makeup and skincare as different things. Because unless your skin is supple and firm, your makeup doesn’t add any sparkle. Here are some tips for beautiful skin and good makeup:

1. Whenever you buy any cosmetic product, first look at the quality and durability of the product because they should not affect the texture of your skin.

2. To test the reliability of the product, first apply it to your earlobes to see if it suits your skin texture.

3. Also, do not use items that are past their expiration date. Some of the products, if not stored as suggested, are easily spoiled.

4. Keep all makeup equipment because you use it frequently. Cleansing is an essential skincare activity. As part of cleaning, keep your hair and yourself clean at all times.

5. Even nail maintenance is important. Polish them with a layer of polish and after polishing, always rub the edges with oil.

6. If you have deep-set eyes, use a liquid eyeliner instead of a pencil.

7. Do not apply any harsh chemicals without your doctor’s advice, especially if you have a skin condition. Don’t try to cut your pimples or acne. You may start bleeding.

8. When you want to completely remove your makeup, don’t just wash your face, but apply a makeup remover.

9. When you are using a deodorant, make sure there is a distance between the nozzle of the pack and your skin.


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