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Top 3 features of online meeting programs

Are you a person who hates traveling across the city just for a meeting? Don’t you wish meetings weren’t so annoying and exhausting? We want the same. Okay, do not worry; Technology has answers for your procrastination. Now you can head to a meeting from the comfort of your home or office. This could only be possible thanks to online meeting programs.

Technologies are rapidly evolving and so are people’s lifestyles, people lack that flexibility and agility. They are focused on finding shortcuts for almost any type of work that is assigned to them. One of those jobs is attending meetings and conferences and guess what? You have arrived at the answer for this.

The very idea of ​​having a meeting tomorrow seems and inevitably disgusts many people. We know that getting up early, traveling by bus, arriving at the venue, meeting the client, attending the conference and going back to the office is terribly tedious and annoying. But, with the introduction of online video conferencing, all this is gone.

Online meeting programs help the user to interact with any other entity, be it his client, acquaintance, business partners or family with great ease and without moving an inch. These virtual services are now widely considered by diverse organizations around the world as a standard conferencing tool for faster and better meetings.

Virtual conferencing software has been modified in accordance with wealthy companies and prominent organizations to create a backdrop of corporate usability. These programs come with a plethora of features, of which the top 3 are listed below:

  • Live broadcast

Some of the software allows the user to conduct webinars, general term for webinars and stream them live in real time to their YouTube channel or attached websites to reach massive audiences from different fractions of the world. This helps in brand recognition and brand awareness, resulting in more people sticking with the brand.

  • Recording

Almost all programs have this feature built in; this function helps to record the meeting in real time. The recording can then be added to the archives for future reference.

  • Share presentations and documents

Sharing PowerPoint presentations and documents online instills a sense of corporate belonging, virtual meeting applications make it possible for participants to share and present their templates in front of their counterparts, just as they would have done in a regular meeting.

The rise of online meeting programs has benefited a large number of corporate houses and has helped them save time and money, accentuating their growth.


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