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training your grip

In a recent class, we went off on a tangent about grip training and introduced some of the gripping toys we have. A lot of people don’t really think too much about their grip. However, there are many instances across the broad spectrum of martial arts training, whether empty-handed or using weapons, that could benefit from a better grip. I know that every time one of my business partners focuses on grip training, the pain in their hand and wrist (due to years of repetitive computer work) is completely gone.

Before using other things, I tend to “warm up” with skill balls, also known as Chinese meditation balls. There are a number of drills you can do with these, believe it or not, and they come in different diameters. I find the practice quite relaxing. Grip grandmaster John Brookfield also uses them, and I think when I ordered them from Ironmind a few years ago, they came with a manual he wrote.

Next, I move on to some Expand-your-hands rubber bands. I place all five fingers inside the band as it rests/wraps around the nails; I extend my fingers outward, thus opening my hand. In my opinion, this is great for balancing grip work that involves so much bending of the fingers and hands.

After heating and spreading, I get to work: Captains of Crush pliers, gripping tools, and various wrist-strengthening tools like the Twist Yo’ Wrist and a wrist roller.


Everyone loves these. They’re a bit addictive, and every time we introduce them for LEO training classes, they just can’t get enough of them. COC clamps come in many different strengths, starting with the “Guide”, with 60 pounds of resistance. Most of you guys will probably be able to start with the Sport (80lbs) or the Trainer (100lbs). For women, it’s hard to say, and you’ll have to experiment to figure out where to start. For strength, I would recommend training every other day and doing about 3 sets of 5-6 reps on each hand. Once you get into the groove, you can certainly do more. As a general rule of thumb, we say that if you can get 10 good reps on one clamp and can “grind” the ends together when you close it, it’s time to move on to the next clamp. If the men can shut down a #2 (195 pounds), they’re entering very respectable territory. The same goes for the women closing out #1 (140lbs).


We’ve got the Bucket-Style Plier (who needs tools to remove nuts when you’ve got your monster hands?) and the Block Plier (for your C-clamp, great for shooters!). We use the Olympic size loading pins (with clip). These are amazing, and you can just pick them up, or even take a little farmer’s walk with them. I’m not going to joke with you. Using these pincer pliers isn’t an incredibly exciting workout, but you’ll definitely get benefits from the time you put into it. We also have several IMTUG tweezers to work with a two-finger grip. These help you build strength in individual fingers.


I have a love-hate relationship with them. They’re great, but they hurt like hell. I have a “Twist Yo’ Wrist” tool. It is cylindrical and you grip it as if you were taking the lid off a jar. Wind the climbing rope, with the weight attached, in and out of the cylinder. Set your forearms on fire! Mimics wrist rehabilitation exercises for ulnar and radial deviation.

I designed my own wrist roller out of PVC pipe, climbing rope, metal grommets, and a clip. I drilled a hole in the middle of the pipe and threaded the climbing rope through it. I attached a clip so I could add olympic plates. Similar to the “Twist Yo’ Wrist,” I wind the cable in and out of the pipe and extend my arms palms down. I suppose you could use it palms up, though I never have. I prefer to do standard wrist curls for that.

In addition to all of the aforementioned tools, kettlebells do wonders for your grip. Some people want to wear gloves because they hate calluses, but they’re really missing out on the added benefits of launching these little cannonballs. John Brookfield does a number of different things for grip that cost little to no money, including “flat dry”. All you do for this exercise is fill a bucket with water, dip a towel in the water, and wring out as much water as you can, hence the name, dry to the bone! Rope climbing and towel pull-ups are great for grappling. Picking up sandbags, where the weight shifts, can also be great for grip. We have many manuals with ideas for grip training, and the possibilities are endless!


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