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Trauma and its effects on the body

Trauma is the experience of a sudden shock to the body, mind, and/or spirit that creates significant stress. Accidents, attacks, abuse, and shocking and unexpected news can create trauma. Some may experience a kind of out-of-body sensation due to shock. Many of us have had or will experience trauma at some point in our lives. Although we may not remember it, our birth may have been a traumatic experience. Imagine going from a nice, warm, safe place through the birth canal to bright, cold lights, and for some getting a pat on the butt!

I met with Dr. Robert Bennett who is a leading authority on Fibromyalgia (Oregon Health Sciences University) and learned from his studies that people who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia have generally experienced at least one physical trauma and/or or mental illness at some point in your life.

Local physician Sylvia Rogers believes that unless trauma is removed from the body, disease and pain will ensue. She also believes that we can inherit trauma through our mother’s and father’s family tree. It makes sense that our behavior and/or thinking can be altered by a traumatic experience, which can influence how we raise our children, how they raise their children, etc. There may be many generations of toxins living in your body from inherited trauma. Therefore, releasing it will take time. Sylvia showed me a Release Statement/Prayer, which I modified to suit my needs. I have been saying it for many weeks and I feel stronger every day. Here is an example:

Declaration/Prayer Release

“I release, as my body tolerates, all traumas from accidents and transgressions that live in my bones, organs, blood, muscles and body systems (immune, digestive, nervous, etc.). I forgive and release all the iniquities that I have received. of men, women, children, myself____________ (add any names you like) in this life and of my ancestry. In the vacancies this release creates, I claim perfect health for my entire body, mind, and spirit.” You may want to say some positive affirmations here.

You may choose to vary the Release Statement to fit your situation. Most importantly, it is not necessary to revisit a trauma or know the source of the trauma(s). In fact, it would be better not to bring them to mind.

Forgiveness is an important part of liberation and a gift to oneself. Forgiveness does not mean that you approve of the behavior or act. It means that you release the negative emotional residues that live inside. Forgiving yourself is just as important as forgiving others.

I’m a big believer in saying inspiring, positive and motivational affirmations out loud. However, I believe that unless we rid our bodies of the things that don’t serve us, saying an affirmation is like putting honey in rotten food and expecting it to be good for us. A positive affirmation can begin with “I am” followed by something that raises your awareness, such as “I am full of joy.” “I’m really good at _______.”

Our voices are very powerful. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you say the Release Statement out loud. I think it’s important that you keep saying it every day. I say my deliverance prayer during my morning shower. I imagine the trauma leaving my body turning into positive energy and down the drain. I recommend that you choose a regular time each day to recite the statement or anchor it to something you do every day, like a shower, a daily walk, etc. You may also find it helpful to record your statement, close your eyes, and listen to it in a comfortable, relaxed state.

I welcome comments, questions and/or sharing your experience with this process.

In Loving Support if YOUR Ideal Life,


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