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Real Estate

What do you need from your real estate agent?

Why do some homeowners decide to try selling their home on their own, while the majority rely on and rely on the services, advice, and expertise of a real estate professional? If you did not benefit, by using a AGENT, Why would anyone take that course? Those who decide to follow, the For Sale by Owner, or what is often referred to as the FSBO, approach, in general, they state that they believe they could achieve the same results and eliminate the payment of commissions / fees, etc. On the other hand, the statistics clearly indicate, in the large number of cases, those, involved agents, achieve better results, in terms of size and number of offers, tranquility, etc. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and what one needs and deserves from the agent you hire.

1. Attitude; fitness; attention; action; analysis: Seek the representation of an individual, with a real, positive, can-do attitude, combined with an aptitude and skill set that best serves your interests, etc. This person should pay close attention to your needs and best interests, and take the actions that best serve and represent you. Homeowners should benefit from the professional analysis and guidance that is offered and provided!

2. Goodwill; Guide: Wouldn’t this often stressful period get easier if you were to offer career guidance and generate real goodwill? If these are provided, your agent can prove that any commission paid is worth it.

3. Empathy; emphasis; efforts; Excellence; endurance: You need someone who will listen to you effectively and who is willing to move on, with the highest degree of genuine empathy! This is to lead, where he puts his emphasis, and efforts, on your behalf! Hire someone who will always demand the highest degree of personal excellence and never settle for good enough! Since there are often obstacles, strains, and strains, during this period, you need someone with the stamina, experience, and expertise, as well as the self-confidence, to hold your hand and comfort you at all times.

Four. Needs; neighborhood nuances; niche: Agents must know and understand their region, area, block, and neighborhood. How they address your needs, requires using whatever, nuances, help, you get better results! They must honestly understand and address your property’s niche!

5. Timely; time tested; trust / truth: If you can’t trust someone, they are probably not the best agent for you. This means telling the truth, consistently, and using your experience and expertise, with time-tested techniques, etc. Never procrastinate, but rather, respond promptly, in a timely and well-considered manner, regarding any and all relevant inquiries, etc.

Know what you have real estate AGENT you must provide and hire one that suits your needs. Since, for most, the value of your home represents your greatest financial asset, doesn’t this make sense?


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