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What is personality?

Personality is an expression of one’s spirit and soul, showing in some as attractiveness and in others “the need to keep distance”, and all other characteristics of general behavior, as expressed in the person’s behavior, manner to talk or what on. some people are known and accepted as the inexplicable mystique called charisma.

It goes without saying that the appeal of all that charisma must depend on a complementary or exceptionally likeable inner personality, or SELF! This, in turn, is conditioned by his thoughts and intentions, which, understandably, must be clean, free of ill will or of another questionable nature, in dialogue with the ethical and beautiful, and generally combined with a corresponding intelligence.

Nature itself creates such appearances of beauty in almost all its expressions. We are thus aware of the beauty of the flowers, of the sunset, of the tranquil landscape, etc. With all of whom are aware of the same emanations as the manifestations of our consciousness of “personal charisma” or all other “pleasant personalities” with attractiveness and charm.

It is a natural expression when it is real (often in the absence of awareness of its possessor) and can never be copied or imitated, such as the difference in form and beauty in flowers, for example. Some people lack that “natural presence”, very often due to less desirable habits of thought, questionable intentions and all those “inner secrets” that don’t qualify as “beautiful”.

If we all pay attention to our thoughts, guide our thought patterns, exchange love and “goodwill” for feelings like envy, jealousy and hate; add more positive and constructive rather than destructive intentions to the outward expressions of our minds, and add the awareness that we are therefore beautiful! – Will it not emit its radiance to others enhancing our very appearance, our confidence, with our own charisma? And, who knows, -change our relationships with others, life as a whole and maybe through the brand of such change it will make itself felt in the improvement of our relationships and “our inner and outer world”


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