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What is pushing your stress buttons?

Ask a group of ten women to tell you what causes them stress and they will give you ten different answers.

Life is stressful. We can’t help it. However, too much stress causes all sorts of problems, including premature aging and other physical symptoms. Remember, the symptoms are the key indicators that reveal what is really going on. Your body asks for help by showing symptoms.

Start by asking yourself: What are my top five stress buttons? Are you struggling with relationships, work, illness, finances, or poor nutrition? Once you identify your top stress points, you can modify or even remove some of the ones that are pushing your stress buttons. Pay attention to when you feel that knot in your stomach, a lump in your throat, nervousness or sweaty palms. What makes you feel uncomfortable or agitated? Identify your triggers and try to eliminate them from your life if you can.

Unchecked stress can become a vicious cycle and can be difficult to resolve as chronic stress becomes a lifestyle rather than just a set of physical symptoms.

10 common symptoms of stress

* Frequent headaches

* Excess anxiety and worry

*Depression or wild mood swings

* Insomnia or Nightmares

* Difficulty Concentrating or Brain Fog

*Increased irritability

*Social withdrawal and isolation

*Constant tiredness and exhaustion

* Unexplained weight gain or loss

*Increased use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs

While you can’t eliminate every stress point in your life, the good news is that with proper self-care—nutrition, regular exercise, stress-specific supplements, and a healthy lifestyle—you can ease stress without causing it. havoc in your system.

Our five BEST antidotes to stress

Cultivate Friendships: Developing friendships and a sense of belonging is essential for optimal health. Your relationships with others greatly influence your mental health, that is: your happiness, self-esteem and ability to create, love and work.

Lower the bar: you don’t need to be perfect. Perfectionism is something that consumes a great deal of energy while creating stress and anxiety. Try to let go of your high expectations and accept the little imperfections in life.

Take time to breathe – it’s amazing to experience the power of your own breath, to feel what it’s like to take a deep breath and fill the bottom of your lungs with some oxygen. Try deep abdominal breathing to create a sense of peace.

Get more sleep: an old Italian proverb says: “The bed is a medicine.” It’s true. Lack of sleep increases the stress hormone cortisol and can lead to weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, increased irritability, memory loss, and decreased concentration, all at the same time as you were in the first place. makes it difficult for you to fall asleep. Getting enough sleep is essential for the body’s daily repair, rebalancing, and rejuvenation. Get those zzzzs back in your life.

Take naps: First of all, forget about the guilt! A short nap of 10 to 30 minutes benefits heart function and hormonal balance, and helps with the repair of neurons and brain cells. It also reduces stress hormones, while improving alertness, cognition, and memory. So get yourself a cozy blanket and sleep in!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on the product label. You should consult a healthcare professional before beginning any diet, supplement, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you may have a health problem.


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