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What is the recovery time after plastic surgery?

Patients have different ways of tolerating pain after an operation and this is taken into account. According to some, the pain is associated with a sore body part. For others, pain means great discomfort. After their operation, they are given the appropriate medications, which help reduce pain and discomfort. Many facial cosmetic surgeries cause minimal discomfort afterward. Liposuction feels slightly more uncomfortable, while operations that involve lifting or muscle tension such as a tummy tuck cause discomfort equivalent to that of a C-section.

How long does it take for patients to recover and when can they return to their usual activities?

The time needed to recover after plastic surgery is different as it depends on the procedure and the patient who has undergone the operation. Many patients need help during the first 2 days. Even if most patients could care for themselves, they may need a little help when they have young children to care for. Below are the specific durations of disability based on the procedure. These are estimates only, not including re-exercising.

eyelid surgery

Patients can move on their own on the second day. They may be comfortable wearing sunglasses when shopping on the 3rd or 4th day and wearing makeup, they might return to work on the 5th or 7th day.

facelift surgery

They can move independently on the second day. They do not feel comfortable being seen in public for 5 to 7 days. They can only return to work outside the home within 10 to 14 days.

bust surgery

Patients can get out of bed at night or the day after surgery. They can move on their own on the second day. They can also return to work in 5 to 7 days, as long as they don’t need to lift anything heavier than 15 pounds.


They may move on their own by the second day and even earlier if only a few areas were treated. They can go back to their normal lives like going back to work in 5 to 7 days.


It would take about 2-4 days before they could move without help. Recovery is about the same as for a C-section. They can return to a desk job in 5-7 days and other jobs in 10-14 days.

When can they do regular exercises?

The time that patients can return to their usual exercises varies and depends on the operation performed. As a start, they can have a routine of slow walking on the second day after the operation. However, they are not allowed to participate in aerobics and other vigorous exercises for the first 2 weeks to avoid the risks of bleeding, bruising, and swelling. In most cases, they are only allowed to lift weights and participate in contact sports for 6 weeks.


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