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Work towards peace and emotional balance with Bach flower remedies

Bach flower remedies were devised by Edward Bach, a Harley Street physician, in the 1930s. He believed that physical illness was rooted in conflict within an individual, indicating an imbalance in some area of ​​their life . Dr. Bach observed that people with physical and emotional problems recover faster if they recognize the relationship between their emotions and their physical health.

One of the most popular remedies is ‘Five Flower’, Dr. Bach’s unique combination formula, used as a single remedy. This is used for times of emotional distress, including:

– Recovery from illness and trauma.
– Preparation for healing or therapy.
– For times of emergency, to reduce suffering.
– To relieve anxiety, for example, before visiting the dentist or traveling.
– To calm the animals.

The Five Flower remedy is a combination of Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens, and Star of Bethlehem, which can be taken alone or in combination with other remedies.

Each flower has its own characteristics that contribute to the effectiveness of the Five Flower remedy.

Red plum:
The cherry plum grows to the size of a small tree, with pure white flowers that have a pink tint. This flower helps in moments of anxiety and with fears due to the loss of control over a situation. The cherry plum helps to bring peace and tranquility to the interior, to counteract the tension that is felt during stressful times.

Rock Rose:
This yellow flower grows in the lowlands and is used to treat reactions of great fear and terror. Rock Rose helps restore stability and peace, and brings light to the darkness of panic-filled situations.

The clematis flower will help to treat those who are dreamy, sleepy, and who are not fully awake to the world and current circumstances. With white flowers growing on a spreading vine, clematis will bring consciousness back to the body and to the present.

These mauve flowers grow along streams and in shady areas. The flower treats those who have a hard time being patient and hope to get their work done quickly. Impatiens will help balance the restless and irritable.

Belen star:
It is used when someone is in great distress, for example, after hearing serious news, losing a loved one, or after an accident. The six pointed white star helps bring spiritual balance and acceptance to those who are deeply disturbed by circumstances.

These flower essences form the most popular and well-known combination remedy, ‘Five Flower’, prepared according to Dr. Bach’s original instructions for the ‘rescue’ combination. The remedies are created by steeping flowers in a bowl of water in direct sunlight or by boiling them to make a ‘mother tincture’. This is the concentrated essence of the flower, which is further diluted 1: 400 parts to 40% organic French brandy to make the traditional Bach flower concentrate. This is used to combine with other remedies in a dispenser bottle or poured into a glass of water for immediate consumption.

Working with Bach flower remedies presents a challenge: Dr. Bach flowers are a mirror of our emotional and psychological state. They help us understand how we respond to change. We can find a way to work with problems and difficulties. Individuals and their emotional condition are central to the experience and the healing process.


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