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2 natural home remedies for head lice

Vinegar Cures

Another ingredient that you will find is a common denominator in home cures for head lice is vinegar. And it is used very often because it is an effective treatment.

Using three to four tablespoons of vinegar, along with two tablespoons of lemon juice. To this, add another two tablespoons of garlic (starting to sound familiar here?). Mix the three ingredients well and apply to the scalp. Allow this to dry for two hours before washing it off. It is suggested that you perform this exercise about once a week.

Take plain white vinegar and an equal amount of olive oil. For this in a plastic spray bottle. Also make sure you have a nit comb handy. Shake this mixture just before use. Spray this on hair while styling. (Feeling like a mixed salad right now?) When you’re done, shampoo your hair as you normally would.

Take equal parts vinegar and baby oil; actually any type of mineral oil will work just fine. Apply this to your scalp and hair. Cover your head with a shower cap. Leave this on your head for an hour. Then wash it off with regular shampoo.

Who would have thought? Listerin?

Apparently. Here’s a recipe for a lice-free life that combines that mouthwash with vinegar, then adds a dash of coconut conditioner. Wet your hair with Listerine mouthwash. Then wrap the hair in a plastic bag for two hours. At the end of that time period rinse out the mouthwash.

Your next step is then to rinse the hair again, this time with vinegar. Again, you will be wrapping your hair in a different bag. Leave this for about an hour. After that, rinse your hair. Then apply a large amount of coconut conditioner to your hair. Next, comb out the dead lice and nits with a nit comb.

why it works…

Listerine, as unlikely as it may seem, works to get rid of head lice due to some of its ingredients. Contains eucalyptol, thymol and menthol. All of these work together to help get rid of head lice naturally.


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