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3D modeling services

3D modeling services can do a lot for an inventor going through the patent process. Invention designers have the ability to execute so many aspects of the patent with the use of invention design software known as CAD. CAD is not only a basic element in the design of inventions, but also in any other type of manufacturing, be it architectural, mechanical, civil, electrical or structural. CAD design services typically only specialize in one of these design fields, and very few will actually design inventions for inventors. You may wonder why, but there is actually a very good reason for this. So what is it? It is the fact that most CAD designers are not skilled enough to design the complex curvature and other aspects of an invention design.

Conceptual Invention Designers

So what is an invention design concept? A conceptual design, also known as concept design, is the starting point of any Invention, and is more or less an idea that can be proposed by simple sketches on paper. However, getting from concept to completion is another story and it takes a lot more than just ideas to make it happen. Once the conceptual design is established, engineering, design, and a host of skills are required to make a prototype. It is much more than most people would think before accepting the challenge of becoming an Inventor.

prototype designers

So once a design is established, where exactly does the prototype come from? Well, it’s simple. The prototype comes from the same CAD design used for the patent drawings or concept design. CAD files are made up of information to help communicate the visual appearance on a computer and information needed to guide machines that make injection molds, CNCs, plastics, mechanical parts, or any material imaginable within manufacturing. These CAD files are what makes manufacturing available today. Without CAD we would be so far behind that it would seem like the stone age. Personally, I don’t know how we would live without robotic manufacturing and assembly lines.

3D CAD Services

3D CAD services can be Inventor’s worst nightmare, or best friend, depending on how everything is managed. Really, an Invention Design Service should have the ability to do all the things an inventor needs during the patent process. Inventors should go online and research invention designers until they find one who can help them with all of their invention needs at a reduced price for purchasing more than one of the companies’ professional services. Do not be satisfied with the first numbers that one of these services throws at you. Instead, diligently study and shop around until you find that service that isn’t out to rip you off.


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