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Actors are so overrated

Let’s face it, acting is not a skill. Acting is more of a talent, so to speak, which is an innate or natural ability to do something, which most people have, but hasn’t been given the opportunity of a way of life. Children have the ability to act. Animals have acting skills. Blind, deaf, whatever, all kinds of disabled beings have the ability to act. A skill is the ability to do something well, but it is a learned skill that makes it a real skill. Walking and talking is not a skill, but our natural and innate ability as human beings. Writing this article is a skill and I guarantee you that a child or an animal could have written this article, at least not in this day and time.

Ask yourself this question, do actors really make a good or bad movie? The answer is, no, they don’t. Most actors have acted in at least one or more horrible movies in their lives, but the more movies an actor plays, the more people will go see that movie. So fame is counted in the ticket sales aspect of getting your money and that’s it. The directors and their team of producers and writers and all the people involved in making a movie are the real stars, but they are not as renowned for their skills as the actors are. The actors do what they are told; they say what they are told to say, in the way the director wants them to say it. Their entire role is scripted and scripted in advance and they get so many opportunities, at the discretion of the directors, to get it right. At the end of the day, the decisions the director makes are the determining factor in the outcome of his film. The actors are part of those decisions, as well as every aspect of the film. A good movie can make a new actor a star and make him famous, but a “good” or well-known actor can’t turn a bad movie into a good movie. However, there are many people who could not tell you the name of a movie director, but if you mention a particular actor they would remember many titles of many movies. Really, but it’s a learned process. Growing up as kids, watching movies and shows, we didn’t even think about who put all that together, we didn’t care, why would we do it as kids? But we could recognize the actors from our favorite shows and put a face on our favorite characters, right?

My point is that actors are highly overrated. They get more accolades than teachers, construction workers, members of our military, government officials, and every other profession you can think of, and yet they just do what they’re told, which doesn’t require any process. of thinking or skills required. . Actors make more money and live better lives than 80 to 90 percent of the world’s population. They experience more of what life has to offer than many of the world’s most helpful people. They are essentially above the law, because they can easily afford the legal representation required for basically any crime. Not to mention most attorneys would be honored to represent you. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you paid for it. We even have an actor as our current president. It explains why companies use famous and well-known actors to endorse products that those actors would never use themselves, such as credit card companies, insurance companies, fast food restaurants, weight loss products, etc. So to what extent can the fame of being seen on television really take away from a person? Most actors wouldn’t give you the time of day, but you praise them and would probably do anything for them if you had the chance. “Shaking my head”


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