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Advantages of pumping versus transport

The use of concrete is an essential part of many construction and renovation projects. The method of adding the concrete, whether by pumping or transporting, is an important part of the construction project. Concrete will be maximized through one of these methods and the method chosen will depend on the type and size of the construction project. Both are effective ways to pour concrete; however, there are advantages to pumping versus conveying.

When pumping concrete, the advantage is that there is faster placement of the concrete than if a conveyor belt were used. This is beneficial if you have a large project, such as a building foundation that requires a lot of concrete. It also decreases the amount of time needed for concrete so you will save on labor costs. Due to the likely rate of concrete placement, cold joints and lines will be reduced and possibly avoided. When using a concrete pump, there are more than a variety of options for how to place the concrete. Also, when you use a pump truck to pour the concrete, less water is added, which significantly reduces shrinkage cracks and strength loss. Pump trucks also help decrease the amount of traffic on the site, which helps decrease the volume of dirt and mud that is scattered throughout the job site.

Pumped concrete is much easier to handle as it is poured at the specific designated spot, unlike conveyors which can drop large loads of concrete that must be moved manually. There are also very few impediments that can clog a pumping line. Additionally, the pipes have the ability to travel through tight spaces, under or over walls, and cut tight corners allowing pumped concrete to be poured into hard-to-reach areas. There is also a combination of superior mix and a more uniform mix of concrete at the point of placement. Concrete pumping also ensures a constant flow of concrete so that the pour remains stable and manageable. Also, concrete pumping permits on the upper floors before the lower floors.

Transportation involves a little more consideration for a particular project. For example, unlike pumping, when transporting concrete it should be placed as quickly as possible after the concrete mix has been combined and mixed with the water. Also, low humidity and high temperatures can cause premature setting of freshly mixed concrete. This is why the concrete being transported must be placed quickly and efficiently. Conveyors can place concrete but do not keep the mix well mixed, resulting in more work when placing the concrete. Conveyors are primarily designed to transport and place materials such as fill, stone, and sand.

Concrete pumping has many advantages over using a conveyor. When deciding which method is best for your project, you need to determine what type of project you will be doing, as this is a key factor in determining the type of concrete placement technique to be used.


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