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Adwords Miracle Review: Is Adwords Miracle a Scam or the Real Deal?

I recently bought AdWords Miracle from Chris Mcneeny, after all the messages I received about it, I had to read it for myself and decide if it’s any good or not. For those of you who don’t know what the AdWords miracle is, here’s a brief summary.

A word about the author: Chris Mcneeny is a very successful internet marketer; most of his money was made using google adwords.

The AdWords Miracle is a course to help you master Google AdWords and Pay Per Click in general. Having read all the other e-books Chris has written, I had to read this one too to see if it was as good as the others.

I have read many e-books on the subject, very good and very bad. To my knowledge, AdWords Miracle is one of the easiest to understand. In fact, I learn a lot about AdWords. I understood the mistakes I was making and was able to turn bad campaigns into successful ones just with the knowledge I gained from this book. Here is a sample of what you will learn in this eBook:

AdWords Basics: First AdWords Miracle explains, for newbies, how Google AdWords works, how to set up an account, the full breakdown of all the items in your account, and what to focus on before setting up any campaign. AdWords Miracle also shows you how to configure settings in your AdWords account to avoid costly mistakes.

Ad Writing – I have read many books on the subject, but I must be very honest here, the techniques I have learned in the miracle of AdWords are brilliant and yet very simple. After reading it I was wondering why the hell I never thought of doing this, it was right in my face the whole time. With this technique alone, you can easily transform a bad click-through rate into a good one.

Campaign Management: AdWords Miracle will also give you great insights into bidding strategy for your campaigns, how to set a daily budget so you don’t go broke on a bad campaign, and how to deal with inactive keywords, that was a great way.

Special Topics Section – This special section of AdWords Miracle is packed with some of Chris’ personal techniques for promoting products. Techniques such as:

– the skimming method

– Affiliate promotion with AdWords

– Promotion of the product through a review page.

– The truth about keywords

– Explanation about the profitable keywords and the ones that are a total waste

– And much much more

You also get bonuses like “How to Build a Listing with AdWords,” How to Choose the Right Product to Promote on Clickbank, and more. Make no mistake, each bonus is written by Chris and contains some very useful insights.

Overall, I thought AdWords Miracle was a very good book, I’ve learned a lot from reading it. Although I must add that it is not for everyone, if you are looking for a get-rich-quick idea, this is not for you. AdWords Miracle requires some work to get the techniques to work, but if you’re interested in being successful with AdWords, this book is a great starting point.


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