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Archangel Chamuel teaches us to connect with God through the awakening of the Kundalini – The Holy Spirit

I am blessed to be able to have conversations with Archangels and Ascended Masters, courtesy of my wife, Jill, who is an Avatara (Man is Avatar); a person chosen by Divinity, to receive and deliver messages for the benefit of humanity. The Angelic Realm uses telepathy to contact and communicate with people, and if the medium is powerful enough, they can speak through them.

On this occasion, we were talking with Archangel Chamuel, and this is what I wrote:-

Archangel Chamuel: Greetings! We know that he might prefer to be relaxed and be with his children, so we appreciate you reaching out to us once again. First we will see what the Kundalini is.

The Kundalini means many things to many people, and is known under a variety of names: – In Christianity, the Kundalini is known as the Holy Spirit. The Chinese refer to the Kundalini as Chi. Japanese like Ki. In India it is known as Shakti. To us, it is known as ‘supreme energy’. However; many great channelers, sages and spiritually gifted teachers who have connected with this energy have called it Kundalini. Therefore, to help those who seek to connect with God; light; the only conscious energy, we have called it that; to allow you to investigate for yourselves. And also, if you need it, you can connect with a teacher who will help you in this process of connecting with your inner supreme power.

This is highly recommended if you find it difficult to quiet your mind, relax, or meditate. This source of energy resides in all living things: trees, plants, animals, birds, and humans. It is formless and is the ultimate energy that controls every living cell. Without this, nothing would work. To connect with God; light; the only conscious energy you need to awaken the Kundalini within you.

To do this, you need to project your consciousness inward and not project it outward, as most of you do today. Learning to project your consciousness inward can be done in many ways: meditation (or as some prefer to call it: reflection), yoga; through the use of sounds, such as mantras (which are popular among Buddhists), chanting, physical exercise, and also through breathing techniques.

Once you have awakened the Kundalini, you will discover the ultimate power to enable self-healing and a whole new perspective on your true nature and the only true connection to God; light; the only conscious energy. It is very important at this stage that we explain to you that when you experience and awaken the Kundalini, you will experience the manifestation. And for those who aren’t quite sure what’s going on, it may feel like they’re getting sick.

It is quite normal for you to experience flashing lights, visions, and strong emotions. Although we advise that you will be quite safe and will be able to control the surge of energy that you will feel. If you want to try the teachings we bring you, remember that ‘you’ are in control and do your best not to feel scared. Sometimes you may experience some of the following:-

– Feeling very emotional.

– tearful

– cheerful


– exhausted

– a feeling of detachment

– negativity towards oneself

– see auras

– Colored lights

– orbs or balls

– insomnia or restlessness

If you experience any of these, then you should be pleased, because you are indeed awakening your internal energy and experiencing a detoxification of the energies that are currently affecting your physical body. It is also important that once you venture down this path, it is with the right motivation. Your true desire to connect with God; light; the only conscious energy, in its purest divine form. While it will not materially affect you, it will affect your actions, the way you are, and how you travel along your life’s journey. It will bring you happiness, health and peace.

To help you get started, we suggest finding a comfortable chair to sit in or, if you prefer, cross-legged on the floor. If you use a chair, make sure your clothing is loose and that you do not have restrictive belts or shoes. Place your feet firmly on the floor and make sure your back is upright. If you slouch, you won’t be able to allow your breath to be complete. Make sure you are somewhere where you won’t be disturbed by phones, TV, family or friends unless you want to try this as a group.

Your breath is what connects you to the universe; cosmic energies. So it is with this thought that we will first begin with the breath. When you breathe, you breathe in a rhythmic rhythm that is one with the energies around you. Try to focus on your breath as you inhale. Allow the breath to completely fill your diaphragm and you will notice that for a very brief period, before you exhale, there is a nothing, where the breath neither goes in nor goes out. This is the space where your supreme energy is: the truth; God; light; the only conscious energy.

When you try it for the first time, you will probably hold your breath. This is not what we want you to aspire to. We want you to become aware of the breath that enters and leaves the physical body. Initially, practice this technique for 15 minutes, and as you progress, build up until you can achieve this peace of mind for an hour and a half every day.

Learn to follow your breath. listen to it. Listen to the space between the breaths. Slowly become aware of this space. Because as you progress, you’ll find the space in between, getting longer. Try this for a suitable amount of time. Don’t rush or force yourself. Allow your natural energies to guide you. The next time we take communion, we will show you how to incorporate what we have given you today, with the use of mantras for those who are really struggling.

We would ask you to perhaps research mantras and the different methods people use around the world, to help you help others connect with God; light; the only conscious energy. If possible, pay special attention to those that resonate with the ohm, ham, so voice vibration.

Bless you, Chamuel.


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