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Basketball Strength Training: Weight Training Tips to Master Strength on the Court

In today’s game, good skills are not enough. If his opponent pushes him, he runs faster and pushes him all over the court, he will beat him, even if he is less talented.

Strength training for basketball players is essential for success in today’s game, even at the high school level, and is for every position from guard to center. A good weight training program can transform your game, helping you climb stronger, drive harder in the lane, stay in the key, and last more minutes on the court, which means better stats, more wins, and better chances of a scholarship. .

In this article I am going to show you 3 principles of weight training that will help you gain more muscle mass, while keeping it functional, strong and explosive, which will help you play better basketball.

progressive overload

The idea of ​​progressive overload is a muscle-building principle used by top bodybuilders and has proven to be one of the most effective techniques for helping lean men pack on muscle mass and gain incredible amounts of strength.

The technique is based on constantly increasing the amount of weight you lift every time you go to the gym, so your body is always forced to adapt and build muscle faster to compensate for the increased load.

Making progressive overload part of your strength training for basketball workouts will ensure that you’re constantly building muscle mass AND increasing strength and power.

High Intensity and Periodization

Making sure your strength and weight training for basketball workouts are high intensity is a second key factor in building your strength. Many guys fail to sustain their high-intensity workouts with short, disciplined rest periods.

You have to get in and out of the gym, in less than an hour. Performing your workouts at a high intensity will help you do this, plus you’ll see an added benefit in increased strength and muscle size.

Periodization is important to keep your workouts varied and to prevent you from seeing a plateau in your muscle and strength gains. It depends on you changing your workouts regularly so that your body doesn’t get used to one type of training.

This is especially important for basketball players, as their strength training for basketball routines should be flexible and varied anyway, reflecting the different physical aspects of the game: strength and power, speed and agility, and explosiveness. .

3:1 Rep Tempo for explosiveness

To improve your explosiveness try incorporating a 3:1 pace into your strength training for basketball routines. For example, if you’re bench pressing, the bottom should take 3 times as long as the top (which should be explosive).

This technique is a great way to work on your explosiveness and recruit maximum muscle fiber during exercise, giving you the added bonus of additional gains in muscle mass.


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