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Health Fitness

How good are low calorie diets?

The idea of ​​eating is usually a great comfort to most of us, while the idea of ​​dieting to lose weight is a bit heavy. However, we know that bodies that accumulate fat around vital organs are a disaster. Fatty…

3 pillars of weight loss

If you are not satisfied with your weight loss or if you are not getting satisfactory results from what you are doing to reduce your weight, you must understand the three basic pillars associated with the concept of weight gain…

How To Stop Catabolism With Casein Protein: The Slow Digesting Protein

Catabolism is the body’s attempt to reduce muscle mass by converting protein into energy. Usually the body goes into a catabolic state after heavy training sessions or weight training and this lasts for hours. The activity is mainly caused by…

Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym Review

Due to the benefits of home gyms, the fitness industry has been transformed. You no longer need to use heavy weights to build stronger core muscles. The Power Rod technology in the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym gives you a consistent…

Drinking water: does it lower blood pressure?

Sometimes when reading tips to lower blood pressure, it is recommended to drink water. However, authoritative websites, including the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Mayo Clinic, do not mention drinking water when discussing treatments and lifestyle changes…

Does the Cybergenics Fast Weight Loss Diet work?

With all the media hype about being thin, Americans are coming up with different ways to achieve it. Hollywood’s “ideal” bodysuit. Americans reportedly spend up to $56 billion each year on weight loss methods and products, including diet pills, programs,…

Benefits of a healthy diet

Benefits of a healthy diet As said, a healthy diet constitutes a healthy body. Before establishing plans for a healthy diet, it is necessary to understand what a healthy diet is, a balanced diet that meets the requirements of the…

Follow Weight Watchers while doing P90X or Insanity

Many people who follow Weight Watchers, whether they started yesterday or have been doing it for a while, want to incorporate some type of exercise routine into their weight loss program. Because P90X and Insanity are so popular (most people…

Plyometric exercises: is it safe for children?

With youth sports becoming more competitive, training methods for young athletes are also becoming more advanced. One type of training that your child may encounter is called plyometrics. However, there has been some debate as to whether or not plyometrics…

CrossFit exercise early in the morning

If your CrossFit workout isn’t part of your first hour of the day, you’re missing out on a ton of benefits. Even if you prefer a later exercise program, work out the first 30 to 45 minutes of your day…