
Who runs the world? Tech.


Multifaceted pillows

The pillows are designed to provide support and comfort to the body. Bed pillows are large cushions that are used as head support while sleeping on a bed. Body pillows are used to lean on a sofa or chair or…

Cubism, Picasso and Michelangelo: what unites them?

At the beginning of the 20th century, the painters of Paris began to experiment with new ideas. Among others, Cezanne was breaking with the idea of ​​”informing” the world of nature in painting. He was cutting natural shapes into geometric…

Fast ‘n Furious Cleaning: How To Get Housework Done Fast!

Few of us love housework, but most of us want to live in a home where we don’t have to fear contracting a contagious disease. So let’s find out how to clean faster, so we can spend time on the…

How to improve your manufacturing company’s shipping and receiving methods

Why shipping and receiving affect the whole process A recent idea that reduced product weight by 60%, lowered fuel bills, and lowered tire costs by 6%. With a fleet of over 100 vehicles, this is just a small project idea…

World of Warcraft Tactics: How to Kill Professor Putricide

Professor Putricide Tactics and Strategy – Phase 1 Overview Professor Putricide is the final boss in the Plagueworks section of Icecrown Citadel, this guide will give you an overview of his abilities and the tactics and strategies you can use…

We can’t blame ourselves for everything!

Parents, I know how much we want to be good parents. And we try really hard to make sure we are, right? I also know that when something doesn’t go as well as we want with our children, it is…

When learning is not easy

From the moment we discover that we are expecting a child, our minds and hearts are overflowing with hopes and dreams for them. My son will be the most beautiful, brilliant and talented little person who has ever walked the…

Children and adolescents and the telephone: creative solutions for your family

I am always impressed and amazed by the creative solutions parents and families find to solve problems. This creative and elegant solution came from a family I once worked with. Her son had his own telephone and an answering machine…

What is a mini-lesson?

A mini lesson focuses on a specific teaching point and lasts five to twenty minutes. You can teach a mini lesson with a full group, a small group, or with individual students. Mini lessons are ideal for quick lessons that…

Screaming kids driving you crazy? Four rules to help you stay sane!

I often hear parents say, “I just ignore Jr. when he has a fit or yells.” While there may be times when this is appropriate, it is not when Jr. is under 5 years old! Why? Because your child needs…