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Tours Travel

The mini moon trend

Lately there is a growing trend in weddings: the “mini-moon”. Do you wonder what a mini moon is? As the name suggests, a mini moon is a mini honeymoon, a short vacation that usually lasts 1-4 days, followed by a…

How Hispanic radio evolves towards a changing audience

“There’s just been an explosion in the Spanish language,” said Dennis Wharton, executive vice president of corporate communications for the National Association of Broadcasters in Washington, DC “The growth in the Spanish language has been remarkable.” The mammoth expansion of…

Download free Wii games today

Downloading free Wii games is an idea that makes all console owners foam at the mouth. Wii’s are pretty hard to find these days and are slowly winning the next generation console war. In the rest of this article, we…

Honeymoon – The Exciting Idea

The honeymoon, they say, is the perfect time to enjoy the company of your loved one, bask in their love, and relive the beauty of falling in love again, before the hassles of married life begin. After the wedding preparations,…

Wood Fired Pizza Oven for Your Backyard Living Space

Everyone wants something unique and unusual in their backyard. In the desert landscaping scenario it’s a bit easier to get that sort of thing done since the backyard is in use year-round. When it comes to something different for your…

How to make sure your house sells faster than the guy down the street!

Anyone looking to sell their home in this market is probably nervous about how long it will take. You hear some experts say that this is a “buyer’s market.” While that is true, many people have to sell their existing…

Blue Mountain Jamaica is becoming more popular

blue mountain jamaica The highest point is Blue Mountain, Jamaica and the peak stands at 7,402 feet and its summit is easily accessible using the walking track. Undoubtedly the best time to go to the summit is when the weather…

Come celebrate Junkanoo during your Bahamas vacation

Grand Bahamas Island is rich in native culture and history. No matter where you stay on the island or on any of the islands in the Bahamas, you’re sure to hear about a local celebration called Junkanoo (pronounced pretty much…

The Inspiration to Roar – Michelle Obama

Black women have always been an indispensable and foundational bridge connecting the elements and conditions of daily life with purpose, strength, and determination. The Feminist Movement confirmed to working women that it is okay for all women to successfully juggle…

Upper Michigan Sauna a family tradition

If you grew up in UP Michigan, then the tradition of an Upper Michigan sauna was probably a part of your life. This is especially true in what is called the copper country of the western UP. Many of the…