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Compliment Template – Distant Relative

Praise templates for aunts or distant relatives are not as readily available as those for parents, grandparents, and even siblings. No one knows why, but it seems that way. So here is an option that you may find helpful if you are ever asked to deliver a eulogy at the funeral of an uncle, aunt, or even a cousin.

Begin by stating your relationship to the deceased. You could just say, “Aunt Jenny was more of a friend than an aunt. In fact, I remember that she was the only person in my family that I could always turn to no matter what problem I was in. And instead of judging me, or having to worry about being punished, Aunt Jenny would just look at the problem from all angles and tell me what my appropriate response should be. I’m really going to miss my Aunt Jenny. “

Then move on to her early life, her formative years, and the kind of girl she was. Did you grow up in the Depression? Or were you born with the proverbial golden spoon? Describe the type of daughter, sister, student, and friend she was. Also, describe your goals and ambitions growing up. Did you realize those dreams?

Your eulogy should also contain anecdotes about your life as an adult. She married? What was she like as a wife, as a mother? If you have cousins ​​sitting in the audience, list them in order, from the oldest to the youngest of your children. Also point out your husband if he is present.

You can also add information about the things that brought you joy. Did he have a particularly green thumb? Was she a pet lover who rescued all the street dogs in the neighborhood? What was it that made you happy? If Aunt Jenny or Uncle Larry, as the case may be, always made sure they were welcome, say so. If he insisted on making you dinner even when you came back at two in the morning, make a special mention. It is important that you offer a realistic image of your aunt, emphasize kind words and give hugs, but play down negative traits. This is not the place or the time.

An appropriate ending to your eulogy would be to sum things up with prose that you have written yourself. Something similar to:

“Jenny Garfield firmly believed in God and man,

She never said a harsh word

Never criticized

And he certainly never got quickly enraged.

Always smiling,

And always giving

Jenny Garfield will not only be missed,

But the pain of his death

Not even time can heal. “


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