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Customer Retention Marketing Basics for Small and Medium Businesses

First of all, we want to give our customers a lasting impression of our business; We don’t want this to be negative. Don’t chase away those you want to retain. Has any member of your sales staff insulted a customer today?

Gone is the time when most clients haven’t heard a frequently repeated, sometimes daily, written question or statement. Whether it’s simply “how’s your day going?” from the person at the supermarket checkout, to the all too painful “I have someone who wants to buy this car this afternoon” closing gag. In fact, most of these scripts are now expected and are no longer considered insulting, just some pity for the seller.

Why not surprise your customers? First of all, choose those who you know are great customers, who spend a lot on a regular basis and who are not a problem for them. These are the ones you most want to keep. Now do something for them that they wouldn’t expect. This may be offering a substantial discount on some random occasion for no reason other than the fact that you value them highly. It can also be something economical, it doesn’t matter as long as you make it feel special, what matters is the impact it has on the customer’s perception of you and your business. Timing, as with most things, is important. If they leave your business with that feeling of warmth inside, it will last longer than if you surprise them when you enter.

Once you’ve impressed your great customers and they’re telling their friends about their experience, try this approach with your good customers and see what impact it has, you may find it easier to get additional sales.
Now try this with your occasional customers who you’ve identified as potentially good customers. Remember, it doesn’t have to be something expensive, just something a little different that makes them feel valued and reminds them of YOUR business. You can’t impress everyone, but enough of them will become regulars that they know you’ll do something extra for them. You now have a new, potentially regular resource to tap into.

As we all know, if you want to retain your customers, the perception they have of your business is essential. Take a look at where your logo is placed around your facility. A slap on a dirty coffee cup left by a salesperson will have a negative effect, even if a customer only sees it for a second. This may be a subconscious recognition, but unfortunately it will stick. The positive effect is guaranteed if you get your company logo to stick to the surprise you have waiting for your customers.

The benefits are not limited to growing your business and increasing profits. Giving your frontline staff the privilege of offering something special for your customers can make a big difference in the way they interact with customers and will also make their jobs more satisfying.


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