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Drill a filing cabinet lock

File cabinets are typically used in office environments. They are used for the storage of important and / or confidential files and documents. Apart from files and documents, filing cabinets are also generally used to store office supplies such as bond paper, pens, pencils, envelopes, folders, tape, staplers, staple wires, fasteners, and many other things. When it comes to personal use, filing cabinets often contain expensive items, prized collections, items that have sentimental value, and of course important documents as well.

File cabinets generally come equipped with a lock to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing items stored inside. But if you somehow lose your filing cabinet key, chaos can ensue, particularly in an office environment where important documents and supplies are always needed. In such cases, it is important to keep a clear head and be armed with a little practical knowledge. Learn how to drill the cabinet lock with the proper tools. Here’s how to do it:

Gather all your tools first. You will need a set of steel bits, a drill, some machine oil, and a flat head screwdriver. All of these items can be purchased at your local hardware store. You can also order them online through a trusted hardware and construction supplies site.

Start by placing the proper size steel bit in the chuck of your power drill. Choose a steel bit that can go into the longest part of the keyhole to make sure it breaks the keyhole sockets. Make sure the bit is securely attached to the power drill by using the chuck wrench to tighten it.

Pour a few drops of machine oil and smear it on the bit to decrease the heat caused by friction created by piercing the metal lock construction.

Begin drilling the filing cabinet lock at medium speed. Be sure to hold the power drill firmly and apply constant pressure to it. Once you have completely drilled through the metal lock construction, put your power drill in reverse gear and carefully pry it out of the filing cabinet lock.

Next, get your flat head screwdriver and insert it into the slot of the metal lock construction. Turn the screwdriver clockwise. If you are successful in breaking the file cabinet lock, the release lever should trip and fail. If not, repeat the procedure from start to finish, moving to the next larger bit size if necessary. Once you can destroy the cabinet lock internally and make the release lever give, you will finally have access to your files and / or office supplies.

All you need to do now is replace the lock on the filing cabinet. Change the lock as soon as possible to protect its contents. File cabinet locks are pretty easy to find. You can buy them at most hardware stores. When shopping for a new lock, bring the old, broken lock so you can compare sizes.


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