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Educational Innovation and Economic Stimulus

The US Department of Education’s $47.6 billion fiscal year 2010 budget includes an allocation of $517 million dedicated to the Teacher Incentive Fund that rewards principals, teachers, and other school personnel who raise the bar. student achievement, close achievement gaps, and work hard to staff schools.

School districts across the country will compete for the billions of dollars at stake. They will showcase their great schools, exemplary teachers, and innovative ideas. There is no question that the stimulus money will go a long way toward school reform. For years, school districts have shown that they have innovative ideas, but without proper funding, those ideas never come to fruition.

Innovation and change must be energized with incentive and reward to replenish resources of ingenuity, commitment, and creativity. Only in public education is the extra effort being made, a donation expected from a dedicated few.

It is empowering to be recognized for turning gang-infested schools from a strong hold of the socially disabled into havens where students can help themselves to achieve academically. Yes, closets and pats on the back feel good; but they don’t buy anything. Why are educators the only missionaries to walk the paths of the underachievers, propelling them to the highest places with perhaps a brief notation in the annual evaluation of their deeds and faults in the educational workplace?

When an inspired teacher or administrator makes a difference in average yearly achievement, a reward is more than appropriate. It is fully earned by having the tools to allow the struggling student to complete a set of tools that is in disrepair.

Based on state funding tables issued by the US Department of Education, Colorado is expected to receive $33,845,209 in Recovery Act funds for schools identified for Title I improvements, corrective action, and restructuring. money comes into play this fall.

If past history is any indicator, the incentive program will be a success. Programs like the Absence Addiction Focus recognized by the National Interagency Drug Institute and the US Department of Education helped an academically struggling high school move from low attendance and shaky graduation rates to changing the state celebrated for his top winning recognition as Outstanding Individual in School and celebrated by the state governor. This scenario of change was encouraged by external financing. This shows the dynamic effects that special backgrounds can have.

Rewards earned from the Teacher Incentive Fund will provide a great opportunity to improve schools through hard work and innovation. However, the real winners will be the children.


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