
Who runs the world? Tech.


Electronic Medical Records – The Gift That Keeps Giving

December is the time of year for gift giving. Many of us are running around with our lists and filling our shopping carts with DVDs, video games, Christmas sweaters, and just about everything imaginable for our loved ones. How many of those items will be returned or exchanged the day after Christmas? Have you ever searched for the perfect gift that will always come in handy and will never need to be returned, exchanged, or exiled to the back of a closet? This holiday season, consider purchasing an electronic health record (EHR) system. EHRs will benefit you, your staff, and most importantly, your patients.

EHR systems benefit physicians in many ways. Before EHR, many of our doctors had to work late nights to catch up on their paperwork. Whether it’s handwriting charts, handwriting, or finishing dictation, clinicians can spend countless hours processing paperwork. EHRs can eliminate paperwork and streamline your processes. You can use the extra time to focus on your patients or leave the office early to spend with your family. Who wouldn’t want to spend more time with their loved ones during the holidays?

EHR systems can also help your office staff. Doctor’s offices can be hectic places; Your staff is likely to be bombarded with incoming phone calls and faxes, tracking down stray charts, or helping patients who need to be registered. EHR systems can reduce the fuss and give you a more relaxed workplace. Digital faxing will eliminate constant incoming paper faxes, along with the need to manually file faxed paper work. Electronic charts can dramatically reduce the time it takes to locate a patient’s files. Up to 60% of the graphics your staff pulls daily may be from pharmacies or patient phone calls. EHR systems can cure your headaches and allow your staff to focus on your patients.

Ultimately, EHR systems can give your patients the greatest gift, the gift of better care. Electronic prescribing ensures that your prescriptions are filled accurately. There is no chance of a pharmacist misinterpreting a script and endangering their patients. Drug allergy and drug controls can prevent dangerous drug interactions from harming your patients. Formulary checks will ensure that your patients receive the drugs that their insurance will cover. Order management can remind your patients to keep track of any labs or procedures you order for them. Patient portals and personal health records allow your patient to become more involved in the healthcare process by giving you access to their health information.

If you’re thinking about EHR, consider the reasons to buy one this December. First, Tax Code 179 allows your practice to write off technology expenses up to $225,000 for systems purchased during 2009. Second, the HITECH Stimulus Act allocates federal money to reimburse physicians for the purchase and implementation of a certified EHR. Third, purchasing in December will get you up and running in January, so you, your staff, and your patients can start reaping the benefits of EHR. This vacation system gives the gift that keeps on giving. Give the gift of EHR.


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