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Health Fitness

Feel stressed? Try to exercise!

According to the World Health Organization, health is “not only the absence of disease, but also a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” 1. One of the wonderful things about exercise is that it helps you improve all the components Of the health. Do you lack mental well-being? Are you tired, stressed and exhausted often? How do you feel after a walk outside in the Colorado sun, taking a bike ride, or perhaps walking your dog? refreshed, energized, calm, happy, or all of the above? Exercise has a healing effect on the body. Research has shown that there is a linear relationship between exercise and mental distress; The more often you get out and exercise, the more likely you are to see an improvement in your stress and anxiety levels1.

Your social life contributes to your sense of peace and well-being. Perhaps you find that your social life is stagnant or you “hang out” with your friends online? If you want to reduce your stress levels, this must change. One way to strengthen your connections is to exercise with your friends! Do things everyone enjoys doing together: go for a walk, walk around the mall, or make it a point to go sledding, skiing, or snowshoeing this winter. It’s important to have fun and go out and do things with the people that matter to you. It also makes physical activity a little easier when you have someone to share it with.

If you’ve been blessed with a large circle of friends and find that you need some time alone to reflect and meditate, try a yoga or meditation class. Yoga is a calm and thoughtful way to end a busy or stressful day. Take a yoga class that focuses on deep stretching and relaxation, such as yin yoga, and relax the stresses of the day. Try a sunrise yoga class at one of the many local recreation centers to indulge yourself and start your morning off on the right foot. On the other hand, meditation does not require special equipment, it can be done anywhere, and it is absolutely FREE! Try to dedicate 15-20 minutes a day to this practice to experience a deeper level of relaxation, decrease muscle tension, reduce anxiety, and improve energy levels. With all these positive benefits, why not give it a try by starting with a guided meditation class?

We are lucky that we like it in such a beautiful state with so much to offer; Explore all the wonders Colorado has to offer and get out and about every day, even if it’s just a walk around the block to see the wonders of your own neighborhood. You’ll feel better about it, and if you bring your friends, they will too.

Thank you for reading! Have a healthy week!

1 Edwards, S. (2006). Physical exercise and psychological well-being. South African Journal of Psychology, 36 (2), 357-373.


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