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Four Important Benefits of Self-Exam

Self-examination is a study that we must all adopt in our lives to enrich ourselves with knowledge and those things we want. Perhaps this can only start with materialistic rewards, but the long-term benefits often outweigh this. Below are some of the more important techniques and the values ​​that can be derived from this.

Listening to ourselves

Hearing our own voices is very important to understanding who we are and how we sound to others. This is not for self-criticism but for knowledge purposes. By listening to our own voices, we can learn to observe why people may not understand us or why they do. In short, we learn to enhance the richness of our voices and discard what is not. This exam is particularly rewarding for interviews. It also allows us to know when to speak and when to be silent and also when to change the tone of our voice in different situations. This can even save our lives and the lives of others when we have this power to control our speech. We learn to distinguish between a voice of authority, one of anger, another of love, and the many more facets that we can portray. This is an exercise to solidify our confidence in all the works of life.

Knowing our functionalities

God has given each of us blessed traits. Regardless of what we think or what society thinks, we are all children of God. It is important to understand how these characteristics work through our actions and expressions. Communication is significantly affected by our expressions. If used for all positive reasons, the benefits of knowing our characteristics would allow us to understand why a harmless comment can be seen as a reprimand. It can help us understand why we are not taken seriously in a position of authority. Knowing our characteristics and accepting them for what they are is a confidence booster. We may not pass as the most beautiful person on earth as society demands, but unless we come to know our characteristics it is impossible to understand the true value that God has given us.

Knowing our values

Life is a school of study until we die. Going through the waltz without taking the time to examine what we stand for could result in us doing very little to make our world a better place. It is because of our values ​​that we change things and have the desire to do more with our time on earth. Knowing where we stand with things is putting ourselves in a position of responsibility to do something about our values. You are also taking the blame away from the shortcomings of society and doing everything you can to make a difference. This also allows us to build alliances and choose our friends correctly.

Knowing our spirit

Of all the self-studies described, this is the most important and valuable. He is examining our faith and asking questions about our relationship with God. We all must know our spirit to understand the intentions behind our actions. It is by knowing our spirit that we can decide whether to abide by God or not. This exam is also the most rewarding because from this, if we choose faith and understand the path of this faith, the rewards we reap in the long run cannot be measured. It is by knowing our spirit that we can understand our inner strength and the blessing of Christ’s truth. Whether we choose this path or not, this study would show that without believing or hoping in God, all of the previous studies covered above make little or no long-term sense. The fact is that true self-examination leads to God regardless of where we start. If we are honest and ask ourselves all the right questions, we will find that all the answers we seek are found in the word of God.


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