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Fresh breath: how to have clean and kissable breath

Rather than making that make-out session even more enjoyable, fresh breath is a sign of health, while the opposite can be a symptom of more serious health problems.

In my career as a masseuse I have worked in close contact with thousands of people. Fresh breath is vitally important to a good therapist if they want to repeat business and don’t want to offend their clients, so I’ve made it a point to learn how to keep my breath fresh without having to worry about whether or not my breath stinks. . Adopting clean lifestyle habits and good hygiene helps prevent the problem from becoming a problem.

Some underlying causes that you may not be aware of can have an adverse effect on your breathing, such as gum disease, which can cause all kinds of health problems, including heart problems. Sinus or upper respiratory infections, GERD, dry mouth, uncontrolled diabetes, dentures, and poor crowns can also be causes. Certain medications can be a source of problems, especially those that dry out the mouth and prevent saliva from removing bacteria and particles. Some examples are antihistamines and some antidepressants like Zoloft and Wellbutrin.

After addressing those issues, the following tips will go a long way to building confidence in good oral hygiene.

Tips for fresh breath:

Brush your teeth after eating. The sooner the better, as some foods can wreak havoc on your teeth after just 5 to 10 minutes. The acid in glues can damage tooth enamel in a few minutes, while milk can neutralize the acid; milk and coca is not a tasty combination in the eyes of most people.

Floss at least once a day people. All dentists will tell you that if you were only flossing or brushing your teeth, they would tell you to floss. And how many of us really think that not brushing our teeth is a good idea?

So you can see the IMPORTANCE of flossing. Not only does it prevent tooth decay, but bacteria can enter your blood much more easily through your gums.

Tongue scraping: Scrape your tongue at night and in the morning. There are stainless steel tongue scrapers available for a sum of $ 20 or more, but I find that using the blunt edge of a butter knife works just as well. Doing this at night will kill a lot of bacteria that would normally multiply while you sleep, giving you that beautiful morning breath, especially nice if you don’t sleep alone.

The way to do this is to stick out your tongue and drag the blunt edge of the knife from the back of your tongue to the front; do this over a sink and rinse the knife; do it until you see nothing white. Coating on Knife Blade – Make this article a separate article on how to scrape the tongue. Be careful not to throw up and possibly throw up. You’ll also want to do this without putting on a show unless you enjoy disturbing others.

I’m not one of those plastic tongue scrapers you can buy. Stainless steel tends to do a better job; I think it has to do with the same reason you can rub your hands in stainless steel sinks to help remove onion and garlic odors.

H2O intake: Drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight every day, not including water loss from sweating or exercise.

For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, try drinking 50 oz. or about 4 12oz bottles of water scattered throughout the day.

A good habit is to have a drink as soon as you wake up. Help things move. Muscles also like to stay hydrated, as they are less likely to cramp.

Peppermint essential oil -A company called TIB sells a good one – it can be a great instant breath freshener, but use it sparingly – one drop will go a long way.

Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Along with all the great nutrients and water content, they are great body cleansers that will have an effect on your breath.

Fresh parsley and mint leaves It can help offset the garlic breath caused by that tasty but garlic-infused Italian dinner.

In my experience, I’ve found that vegetarians often smell better than meat eaters and their breath is sweeter as well.

Things to avoid:

Smoking and coffee are not allowed. One of the worst breaths I have ever been subjected to has been the halitosis breath from coffee with a little nicotine. Bad enough to make me nauseous. It can be so bad that they don’t even have to be breathing in your direction to smell it.

Do not use mouthwash: My dentist and many other resources say that it is really unnecessary and that if you use it too much it kills the cells in your mouth, causing cavities and rot and therefore bad breath worsens the problem instead of helping it.

Limit your intake or eliminate red meat, pork, and chicken. It can take several days for meat to go from consumption to elimination and that means putrefaction in the digestive tract – not a pretty idea. This, in turn, can affect the quality of your breathing.

Avoid food like garlic and onion and peanut butter and certain spices and curries. Although garlic is good for you, we all know that if you are the only one who eats it, everyone else suffers.

Roasted garlic is delicious, but if you eat too much, like a whole head, you are likely smelling it gassing through your pores and breath for the next several days, not to mention spending more time in the bathroom. … and it doesn’t smell very good.

So follow these tips and make them part of your daily habit and soon you will have reliable, kissable breath that will be ready when you feel like it.


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