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Health, power and energy

I would like to cover something slightly different in this article: the brain and nutrition, keep in mind that I am not any sort of expert on the subject of diet as such, but I do believe that self is relevant to our topic. -protection and its main objective is to help you improve your physical and mental performance.

But first, a little information that you may find interesting about a little-known group of people who some live to be 145 years old and highlights the importance of having a healthy body and mind with the help of proper nutrition and physical exercise. .

The first Westerner to discover these mysterious people around the 1920s and 1930s was a Scottish physician named Doctor MacCarrison, an adventurer by nature who spent seven years living among this small group of people called the Hunzas. They live in the remote area of ​​the Himalayan mountain peaks in the far north of India, and more or less isolated from the outside world. Its origins are a mystery. However, one of the first things the Doctor noticed was that they were in exceptional health and, as far as he could see, not suffering from any disease.

Interestingly, they seemed to be completely immune to all so-called modern diseases, for example: cancer and heart disease. He discovered that their diet consisted mainly of fresh cereals, barley, millet, buckwheat, and some meat, as well as fruit and vegetables. Meat was eaten very rarely and was reserved for special occasions. But chicken was their most common source of animal protein. Walnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and beeches were also an important part of the Hunza diet, regular walks of 15 to 20 kilometers were considered quite normal, relaxation and meditation were also regularly practiced by both young and old.

food for thought

Those more knowledgeable than me say that the brain is the largest organ in your body. You see, you require a very specific type of nutrition from your diet, so you shouldn’t be surprised to learn that your diet affects the performance of your brain.

As an example, a good start to the day would be to include a hearty breakfast, a salad full of antioxidants, plus vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene. All of this helps reduce the damage of free radicals, those harmful molecules that move around the body doing damage. By doing this, you will give your brain the fuel it needs to keep functioning optimally throughout the day. Also, a good burst of glucose works wonders if taken throughout the day.

Also, as you age, your brain loses its ability to defend itself against lurking free radicals that can cause inflammation and oxidation, so as you age you need more nutrition than when you were young. On top of that, free radicals can build up slowly if not destroyed and can cause short-term memory loss. As a result, it can slow down essential processes in your brain, such as thinking. Therefore, antioxidants are essential for maintaining good health and good memory.

Good sources of antioxidants are: spinach, carrots, vitamin A and beta-carotene.

Vitamin C: Citrus, Broccoli, Strawberries and Tomatoes.

Vitamin E: Nuts, seeds, vegetable oil, and wheat germ, to name just a few.

Fatty foods cause clogging of the arteries and can disrupt the body’s natural activities, so it is necessary to reduce fatty foods and replace them with foods rich in antioxidants. To ensure that you have a well-balanced meal and that your body is not lacking in any essential nutrients, it may be advisable to take food supplements that can help. However, please remember that they are only supplements and in no way replace a well-balanced meal.

Fish is also known to improve memory and scientific research has shown that eating fatty fish rich in polyunsaturated acid DHA helps brain development in children. In schools where children have taken IQ tests, those who eat fish regularly score significantly higher than those who don’t. Fish contains Omega 3 which helps your brain function at peak performance which is important in case you have to successfully deal with any unprovoked violent confrontation on the street.

Finally, if you train to the best of your ability, you can win anywhere in the world against anyone. However, the real competition is between what you have done and what you are capable of doing. You measure yourself with yourself and with nobody else, you have to give 100 percent, because if not, someone else will give 100 percent and beat you when you meet.

So if you want health, power and energy remember, you are what you eat. Stay safe.


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