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Hidden Stimulant Foods in Your Diet: Tyramine Reactions

Have you ever experienced intrusive insomnia even though you were very tired, or general anxiety when nothing really bothered you? Even after giving up coffee, quitting smoking, and cutting back on sugar and alcohol, these symptoms persisted. You may not be aware of the fact that there are certain foods you may be eating that contain a mild stimulant called tyramine and when you eat large amounts of these foods you may experience insomnia, rapid heartbeat (palpitations), increased blood pressure and mild to migraine headaches. This is all due to the hidden substance called Tyramine, which is found in a variety of foods that you may eat on a daily basis.

Food affects your mood, and if you experience feelings of anxiety and brain fog, it’s important to be aware of hidden stimulant substances in everyday foods.

Everyone is quite aware of the reactions created by caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. One knows to avoid these foods if experiencing anxiety as they only exacerbate the symptoms. Not many are aware of the fact that this other hidden stimulant (tyramine), found in many foods, can be consumed on a daily basis. Knowledge is power and by becoming aware of foods that contain this substance, you allow yourself the choice to recognize and avoid them.

It is important to recognize these foods that contain tyramine, a mild stimulant. meIf you eat enough of these foods, you may experience:

– insomnia,

– an increase in blood pressure

– an increase in heart rate (palpitations)

– headaches/migraines

– other mind-body sensations associated with taking a stimulant

These foods release adrenaline into your system and are easy to recognize once you understand that they are under the heading of a food that is aged, pickled, fermented Prayed smoked.

Examples of these foods are:

hard cheeses- Swiss, Cheddar, Asiago, Roman. The exceptions are cream cheese, cottage cheese, farmer’s cheese, and ricotta.

Aged, Smoked and Marinated Meats- Sausages, hot dogs with bacon, baked ham, smoked meats and fish, pickled herring, hard salami, pepperoni, mortadella.

Vegetables and nuts- All beans, pea pods, Italian beans.

Pickled vegetables- Sauerkraut, gherkins, olives, artichokes

Fermented Items- Soy sauce, Tofu, Miso, Tempeh

Seasonings- Yeast, meat tenderizers, bouillon cubes, dry soup mixes, dry sauce mixes.

Yeast- In sourdough bread but fine in leavened breads.

Beverages- All drinks containing alcohol, especially Chianti and Vermouth. Small amounts in beer. High in red wine.

Overripe and dry fruits, especially overripe bananas. figs, grapes



It is best to avoid these foods in large amounts. You may not experience a reaction at lower amounts, but if you experience headaches, migraines, rapid heartbeat (palpitations), and increased blood pressure, it might be time to review your diet and see if it contains high-containing foods. content of this substance

By making a few simple changes, you will improve the way you feel and actually eliminate many intrusive bodily reactions.


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