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Holidays in New Zealand

What do you know about New Zealand? If you’re like me, you probably think of New Zealand and Australia the way I think of the United States and Canada: New Zealand is close to Australia, similar in many ways, but not quite the same. I spent five months last year in New Zealand and now I think of it differently. For one, I finally realize why it was chosen as Tolkin’s Middle-earth sweet spot in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

New Zealand lies to the east of Australia and is situated in the South Pacific region. It consists of two large islands, north and south. Its climate is temperate and its landscape is simply impressive. New Zealand is also deeply rooted in the tradition of the Maori people. Its main cities include Auckland (the capital), Wellington and Dunedin. Queenstown is hailed as one of its top destinations, a ski-friendly location that is dotted with magnificent slopes.

It’s no secret that the Lord of the Rings trilogy gave New Zealand’s tourism industry a huge boost, with the incredible scenery and sense of mystery and romance depicted in the films. The trilogy also gave moviegoers a glimpse of New Zealand’s beautiful destinations. Today, the local businesses that helped transport filmmakers from one location to another are busy doing the exact same thing for ever-increasing numbers of tourists—for a fee, of course. And while curiosity about The Lord of the Rings may have prompted many to visit New Zealand, once there most tourists are eager to see the rest of this beautiful country and take excursions to visit the more exotic locales.

New Zealand is also an ideal destination if adventure is your cup of tea, especially for younger travelers. For example, Rotorua is acclaimed for its “zorbing,” which is the equivalent of slipping into a giant hamster ball and rolling down a hill. There are several whitewater rivers that tourists can challenge via jet boat rides, as well as narrow canyons that send your boat launching at breakneck speed. If you’ve got the guts, you might want to try jumping from the world’s highest bungee jump. Other places like Waitomo offer tremendous spelunking opportunities, ranging from tourist caves by foot boarding to rappelling and sliding through mud and water to explore extensive subterranean mazes. Certainly, New Zealand’s tourist scene has plenty of opportunities for adventure, if you so desire.


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