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How creativity helps you think outside the box

“Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift to God.”
~ The path of the artist

As indicated in this quote from Julia Cameron, the importance of being creative is clear. By using the gift of creativity, people can heal themselves and their lives. The expression of your gift is different for everyone, some may enjoy cooking while others prefer to create sculptures or dance. Whatever your gift in the creative realm, it is something that makes you happy. We’ve all heard of dancing to a different drum, and expressing your gift is much the same. You express your creativity in the way that best suits you and it is an act of reaffirmation of your spirit.

What is your gift?
Over the years I have met many people who were miserable because they had nothing they were passionate about, or they had something they loved doing but weren’t doing it due to self-imposed time or money constraints, stress, or some other excuse. they had to avoid being creative. This made them feel even more the pressure from within themselves, the urge to be passionate, to find the joy that was there, but they didn’t take the time to discover and explore it. The good news is that everyone can get into the habit of being in touch with their inner creative self.

making changes
We can recreate our lives at any time if we choose. Nothing is more boring than doing the same routine over and over again, always socializing with the same people and going to the same places. So when you want to discover what you are passionate about, when you want to explore your creative impulses, you must first learn to be comfortable breaking out of the rut and shaking up your rut.

I ignored my creative passion for 30 years to pursue more practical things in life. This didn’t do me any good. I abandoned myself and my spirit, which made me miserable. I was 30 pounds overweight, depressed, angry at the world, and totally stuck. If anyone knows the challenges involved in getting in touch with your gift, it’s me. For years I had this voice in my head telling me that if I found my passion, opened myself up to being creative, my life would work. I thought about ignoring this voice until it got so loud and I got so desperate that I finally listened.

As a child I was taught that to be a successful adult you have to work hard and that life shouldn’t be fun. When I finally realized that there is fun, there is passion, and there can be creativity in life, I went on a soul-searching journey. I found my passion and how to express it. I learned to have fun again and life is much more colorful, exciting, friendly and inspiring. Being creative awakens our genius; we just have to open up to it.

I love to inspire and empower others and motivate them to pursue their dreams. To help them develop the courage to dare to transform aspects of themselves and their lives and to remind them that they can do it.

“We learn to do something by doing it, there is no other way” ~John Holt

These 12 easy steps will help you find your passion and get in touch with your creative spirit.
1. Do something different every day
2. Make new friends
3. Be aware
4. Do things to stay focused
5. Love yourself
6. Believe in yourself
7. Be open
8. Play
9. Have fun
10. Experiment
11. Don’t take yourself too seriously
12. Listen to the voice inside you

For more inspiration and tips, visit http://visionandwords.com


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