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How do I improve my paranasal sinuses without surgery?

Ear candling is a relaxing treatment that can greatly help with nasal congestion and sinus problems. I have had this treatment on numerous occasions and found it enormously beneficial in clearing my ear canals, helping with headaches and helping to get rid of my sinuses. During this treatment, all the sinuses and lymph nodes on the face and neck are massaged to loosen and remove any congestion in the ear canal.

The procedure generally takes around 70 minutes for a complete ear candling treatment. You can buy the ear candles and have someone do it for you or even do it yourself, but then you miss out on the accompanying massage, which I think is an essential part of this treatment. Several friends and I who have also tried this technique have experienced improvements in areas such as hearing, ear congestion, breathing, sinus problems, and headaches/migraines.

During the candle, the client lies on their side while the candle is lit and inserted into a holding cone and then placed in the ear. In order to achieve a correct balance and proper treatment, the candle is inserted into each ear respectively so that both ears are properly and effectively cleaned.

This procedure is quite strange and I have heard mixed reports of its benefits, but for me I certainly did notice a big difference in my ears and overall nose and sinus congestion. I like the fact that I can just lay there and relax, while all the ‘creepy’ stuff is sucked out of my ear canal. Sounds gross, I know, but your head actually feels lighter afterwards. It’s like having all the water drained from your ears after swimming or your ears finally ‘popping’ after being on a plane. I don’t know, it seems to open everything up, make your head feel clearer and a little bit lighter.

It is a good treatment to have every 6-12 months, especially if you suffer from nasal obstruction, nasal congestion, or headaches.

If you like to do the treatment yourself, you can buy ear candles at most health food stores, however, it’s not as relaxing when you have to hold the candle yourself.

For me, I think this treatment helps more with congestion in my ears and headaches or migraines more than anything else, but I’ve only had sinus problems during my pregnancies and not that much on a regular basis. However, I do know people who have had this treatment specifically for sinus congestion and have noticed a huge difference afterwards and have had the treatment on multiple occasions as a result to help with further blockages and congestion.

This is a treatment almost worth doing for the experience alone, because it really is like nothing you’ve ever had before, and if it helps, why not give it a try?

I hope that if you give ear candling a try, you will soon begin to breathe and hear better just by enjoying this simple yet effective technique.


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