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How to Fix MSS32 DLL Errors with NeverWinter Nights

The mss32.dll file is a Miles Sound System library module on your system that is used by WinAmp and other multimedia programs for sound effects and sound reproduction. This file is used to process complex sound options in video games. However, mss32.dll is prone to getting corrupted or damaged due to being misplaced. When this happens, the system error mss32.dll soon appears. This tutorial will show you the steps to correct this error.

What Causes Mss32.dll Errors in Neverwinter Nights?

There are many reasons why this error will appear on your system such as damaged files, corrupted settings, or wrong file location. We found that with games like NeverWinter Nights, the most common problem is that the game placed an outdated version of the file on your PC. However, if you have a lot of video games installed on your system, you cannot afford this error. To fix the mss32.dll file error, just follow the steps below.

How to Fix MSS32.

The first thing you should consider doing when correcting this error is look for the existing Mss32.dll file on your PC. Many times this error is due to the tagged file missing from your system. To check if this is the cause of the error on your PC, you must first find the file and, if necessary, relocate it to another place or install a new one on your system. The first step to do this is to click Start on the Windows bar. Then select Search and then type “mss32.dll” in the blank field. Then find that file under “All Hard Drives and Locations”. If your search is unsuccessful, consider searching your registry for problems. However, if it is positive, click on the file and then press CTRL + C to copy it. Then find the path “C: WindowsSystem32 folder”. Once complete, move the file to this directory by pressing the CTRL + V keys simultaneously. Then test the application.

Many times, programs or games would mistakenly place the mss32 file in installation folders instead of the System32 folder, where all the dll files should be first. This is why you should check exact location of mss32.dll on your system when you face this error. However, if the above steps do not fix the problem, it is recommended that you clean your registry.

The registry is also a major cause of MSS32.dll errors, which is a database that stores all the important settings for your system. The rule of thumb is that the more you use your PC, the more data will accumulate in your registry. This is especially true if you are online a lot, as many sites without your knowledge would leave settings in this section of your system. Although there is processing information stored here that is crucial for the operations of certain applications on your PC (such as Windows), most are useless and redundant. These files would only serve to slow down your PC, causing applications to crash and error. This is why the registry is known to constantly produce a large number of system errors. To solve this problem, you need to use a registry cleaner, which is an application that will efficiently scan and clean your registry of unnecessary files.


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