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How To Get Your Ex Husband Back After Breakup Using Mind Control

After speaking with countless women who have lost and regained the person they love, I have come to realize what is vital to repairing a broken relationship. Do you want to know how to get your ex-husband back after a breakup? Do you want to lift the sadness and darkness that you currently feel?

If your answer is “yes”, then you need to know some important facts. Most women actually push their loved one away because they say and do the completely wrong things after a breakup. Please don’t let this happen to you. The need and insecurity will kill any spark between you and him faster than water on a flame.

Let me tell you about Sara. I spent time counseling her a while back after her marriage broke up. She couldn’t understand why he had left her. To fix things she told me that she had:

1. I begged him to stay

two. I bought him gifts

3. Said “I love you” over and over

Four. He promised to change and be different in the future

Now this may sound harsh, but what she was doing was playing the role of the ‘human doormat’. No wonder her husband could no longer see the fun-loving free spirit he used to be.

Here’s How To Get Your Ex Husband Back After Breakup – Use Mind Control! Okay, I know you think this sounds crazy, but it really isn’t. You see, when I say mind control, I really mean that I want you to influence her subconscious mind and you can do that using various techniques like NLP (also known as neuro-linguistic programming).

Confused? Basically, that means you can get your husband back after the breakup by saying and doing things that secretly manipulate her mindset. If he thinks this sounds a bit unethical and unorthodox, he’s right, but will it work? Damn, she will! I know this works because I’ve seen it over and over again.

Here are 2 easy ways on how to get your ex husband back after break up using mind control.

1. Be cryptic. For example, send an email that uses an excuse to get in touch. For example, a letter has arrived and it looks like it could be a parking ticket or something important with your name on it. Then sign the message with “by the way, I just wanted to thank you for giving me this time to think. Some very interesting things have happened in the last few days, and it’s really opened my eyes. Anyway, I’m on hurry up, so you better Leave now”.

The human brain is programmed to ask questions and solve problems. His mind will go haywire trying to figure out what has “opened his eyes” and will naturally assume the worst. Did you put someone else? Have you discovered a secret about him? Leaving that gap in his knowledge will drive him crazy. He will be desperate to know what’s wrong with you.

two. My second tip on how to get your ex-husband back after breakup is to remind him of an important, special, or romantic moment you both shared together. A romantic vacation is usually a great idea. So casually announce that her friend has booked to go to that romantic resort you both visited, and then remind her of the time you both laughed or shared a specific experience there. Her mind will automatically paint that picture and begin to relive the experience in her imagination.

This works because it will start to associate you with the good times. She’ll remember why she fell for you in the first place and start to wonder if the breakup is a good idea after all.


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