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Top tips for pigeon prevention and deterrence

We all love the iconic image of feeding pigeons in the park, but the same swarming scenario becomes a serious pest problem when these birds invade a home space. Homeowners who have lived in areas where they are prevalent know all too well the mess and property damage these birds can cause when they use a home as a place to congregate or live.

Damage includes bird droppings on every inch of the surface, damage to gardens, bird feeders, birdbaths, outdoor fountains, statues or garden displays. Damage to the structure of a home can include the roof, soffits, gables, and eaves.

This article complies with the main pigeon control tips, including pigeon control spikes and pigeon nets, to help you stop the damage.


Preventing pigeons from finding your home and garden inhospitable is essential and as such is the number one action a homeowner can take. Once they find a nesting site, they are not only difficult to remove, but have a memory of nesting sites that can last for generations.

The availability of food is necessary for all pests to make a home, and pigeons are no different. Therefore, keep the outside spaces of your home clean, including: sealing trash, removing food scraps, cleaning the barbecue grill after each use, and keeping pet food indoors.

Another key prevention factor is mitigating pigeon-friendly places around your home. Soffits and overhead vents instinctively invite them to establish a nest and start a family. Make sure vents and chimneys are sealed with fine mesh. Soffits should be functional without attractive gaps. Check gutters and eaves and consider covering gutters if these birds are attracted to this area of ​​your home.


There are several ways to detect birds not using your space. Here are some of them in order from easiest to most expensive and complicated.

props and sounds

The easiest way to deter these birds from your patio, deck or balcony is to use accessories. Most garden centers and big box stores have fake owls and rubber snakes for this purpose. However, the birds will eventually recognize these props as fake, so you’ll need to move the props from time to time to make the effect last longer.

Wind chimes, foil trays, and mylar balloons also work to determine them. With a little wind, these accessories make your home unattractive. However, this technique can fail when the wind dies down.


For a balcony that attracts birds, a simple and inexpensive option is to place a slinky-type toy on top. The barrier of coils, wrapped around the railing, prevents the bird from finding a comfortable spot. Similar to this approach, tie a string a few inches above your balcony railing and the birds will have a hard time settling on your railing.

Another higher level are pigeon control spikes, also known as anti-roost spikes. These spikes are available at most home and garden centers or hardware stores. They can be placed anywhere birds perch and discourage perching. This approach can be expensive and requires installation, but it is effective and will stand the test of time.

For sheds, outbuildings and gardens, consider installing pigeon screens. This product is readily available at garden centers and will keep birds away, not to mention other pests! The installation of networks is a more complicated and expensive process, but very effective and a long-term solution.


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